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Judicial Division

Student Membership

As a Judicial Division student member, you are entitled to the following benefits:

The Judicial Clerkship Program 

The Judicial Clerkship Program (JCP) is a joint effort of the ABA Judicial Division and the ABA Council of Diversity in the Educational Pipeline with the generous support of LexisNexis®. The Program is held for three days in various sessions and brings together diverse law students from around the country together with judges and former law clerks. The group participates in panel discussions, a research and writing exercise, and informal social events. These activities are designed to introduce and reinforce to the students the reasons and values of pursuing a judicial clerkship.  Numerous students have obtained clerkships and internships because of their participation.

Learn more about the JCP and how to get your school involved.

Student Resources

National Association for Law Placement (NALP)
NALP is dedicated to continuously improving career counseling and planning, recruitment and retention, and the professional development of law students, lawyers, and its members.

Skadden Fellowship
Open to law school graduates and outgoing judicial law clerks who want to work in the public interest.

Online System for Clerkship Application and Review
A national database of federal law clerk vacancies. Site also gives general information about federal clerkships.

Join the Judicial Division

Students are eligible to the Judicial Division through enrollment in the Lawyers Conference or the Council of Appellate Lawyers (CAL)  as part of the Appellate Judges Conference.

Join the ABA now to enroll in the JD Lawyers Conference or the JD Appellate Judges Conference CAL.

To join by phone, contact our Service Center at (800) 285-2221.