Is it Time for Judges to Get More Serious About Seriously Excessive Speeding?
Did it seem like the call of the open road during the pandemic was an invitation for too many people to put the pedal to the metal and let it roar? An increasing body of data is backing up that perception and, in some places, speeding eclipsed drunk driving as the leading cause of traffic fatalities. Judge Ronald Ramsey of the DeKalb County (GA) State Court, chair of the National Conference of Specialized Court Judges, joins Judge Richard Ginkowski to talk about the problem and what judges can do to get more serious about seriously excessive speeding.
Traffic Court in the Age of Covid and Beyond - The Genie's Not Going Back Into the Bottle
Though their courtrooms are more than 750 miles apart Judges Richard Ginkowski and Ronald Ramsey both preside over suburban traffic court dockets and on March 16, 2020, both switched gears to continue court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both took court hearings into cyberspace and set up online portals where many people could take care of their cases without even making an appearance. Now with the pandemic hopefully winding down Judges Ramsey and Ginkowski share their experiences and foretell that the virtual court operations necessitated during the pandemic is a genie that's not going back into the bottle.
"Marijuana and Driving" – Constitutionality of State "Zero Tolerance" and "Per Se" Laws
In one-third of the states a person can be convicted if he or she has any detectable trace of THC in their system ("zero tolerance") or exceeded a certain level of THC in the bloodstream ("per se") even though the defendant showed no signs of impaired driving ability. ABA Judicial Fellow Judge Neil Axel discusses the constitutionality of these "zero tolerance" and "per se" laws.
What can spending three minutes with a defendant do to reduce recidivism?
ABA Region 6 Judicial Outreach Liaison, Judge Robert Anchondo and ABA Region 10 Judicial Outreach Liaison, Judge Mary Jane Knisely discuss how some simple techniques used in treatment courts can also be used by judges who do not preside over a treatment court.
Justice for Vets - Why a Veterans Court Makes Sense and How to Get One Started
In this extended Gavel Talks episode, ABA Region 10 Judicial Outreach Liaison, Judge Mary Jane Knisely, gives a front-line perspective of the benefits of a Veterans Court and how to get one started in your community.
Part 1: The Challenges, Benefits and Rewards of DWI Courts
In this two-part Gavel Talks episode, ABA Region 6 Judicial Outreach Liaison, Judge Robert S. Anchondo, engages in discussion of the unique challenges and benefits of DWI courts.
Part 2: The Challenges, Benefits and Rewards of DWI Courts
In this two-part Gavel Talks episode, ABA Region 6 Judicial Outreach Liaison, Judge Robert S. Anchondo, engages in discussion of the unique challenges and benefits of DWI courts.
The ABA's Judicial Outreach Liaison Program: A Valuable Resource
With the growing complexity in traffic court cases, and the advent of new evidence-based sentencing practices designed to decrease recidivism, trial court judges resort to a number of resources to stay abreast of these new developments including the ABA Judicial Outreach Liaison (JOL) program. ABA Judicial Fellow, Judge Neil Axel discusses the JOL program and the work of its network of Regional and State Judicial Outreach Liaisons.