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Judicial Fellows

As part of its Judicial Outreach Liaison Program, the ABA Judicial Division has selected three judges to serve as its National Judicial Fellows.  The mission of the Judicial Fellows is to improve the administration of justice and improve highway and pedestrian safety through education, collegiality, communication, and collaborative efforts with other highway safety partners locally regionally and nationally. The Judicial Fellows work with the Regional and State Judicial Outreach Liaisons by serving as a conduit to share resources, research, and educational opportunities in the area of impaired driving and evidence-based sentencing practices. Through the work of the American Bar Association Judicial Outreach Liaison and Judicial Fellows Program, judges throughout the country can gain a broader foundational understanding of the issues that they face in handling impaired driving cases as part of their fast-paced traffic-related dockets. In addition to sharing their specialized knowledge, the Judicial Fellows serves as representatives of the JOL Program to the ABA, its peer institutions, national traffic safety stakeholders, and national associations of judges and court professionals, including the National Judicial College, the National Center for DWI Courts, the National Center for State Courts, and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals.