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About the Program

This Program provides peer-to-peer judicial education, court case interpretations, guidance, and liaisons between the judiciary and the highway safety community. Our educational efforts focus on evidence-based sentencing practices, criminal justice reform, and reducing impaired driving recidivism, among other topics. The Program consists of three National Judicial Fellows, as well as Regional and State Judicial Outreach Liaisons (JOLs) throughout the country.

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Resources from the Program

Meet the Fellows and Liaisons

Judicial Fellows

Judicial Fellows serve across the nation as teachers, writers, community outreach advocates, consultants, liaisons, reporters, and spokespersons. Their goal is to improve the delivery of justice and improve highway and pedestrian safety through education, collegiality, communication, and community outreach activities.

Meet the - Fellows

Regional Judicial Outreach Liaisons

Regional JOLs target their efforts within each region and serve to educate and mobilize support for evidence-based programs and practices that have been proven to be effective in reducing recidivism in impaired driving cases.

Meet the - Regional JOLs

State Judicial Outreach Liaisons

The State JOLs are active or retired judges who work within their states as teachers, writers, consultants, and subject matter experts to share the latest research and best practices on addressing impaired driving and recidivism in the state.

Meet the - State JOLs