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May 18, 2020

From Jury Summons to Jury Trials: Preparing for the Return of Juries to Courthouses during COVID-19

This program will provide insights into best practices relating to three major concerns in returning to jury trials in courthouses across the country: (1) the summons process, including how to cope with expected low rates of return; (2) the jury selection process, including deferments to first responders and healthcare workers and alternate means of administering jury questionnaires; and (3) safely conducting jury trials, including physical distancing, allowing public access and hearing witness testimony.

Program Materials | Transcript


  • Hon. Heather Welch, Presiding Judge, Marion County Superior Court
  • Hon. Nannette Jolivette Brown, Chief Judge, US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana
  • Carolyn DuBay, Executive Director, North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission
  • Melanie F. Gilbert, Chief, Facilities and Security Office, Administrative Office of the United States Courts

Co-Sponsors: ABA Section of Civil Rights & Social Justice, ABA Section of Litigation and the ABA Section on Tort Trial & Insurance Practice.