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May 28, 2020

A Brainstorming Session: Using Special Masters to Help Courts Deal with the Challenges of the Pandemic

On May 28, 2020, judges and ADR professionals conducted a virtual roundtable to discuss how court needs might be met through using special masters and begin to outline concrete solutions. This program is creative, interactive and practical: it seeks to illustrate the process your court can use to determine whether and how to make use of special masters and to identify both specific solutions your court may wish to implement and resources that can assist in implementing them.


  • The Hon. David Thomson (Justice, New Mexico Supreme Court)
  • The Hon. Heather Welch (Judge, Indiana Superior Court, Marion County)
  • The Hon. Shira Scheindlin (ret. Judge, US District Court, Southern District of New York)
  • Cary Ichter, Ichter, Davis LLC, Atlanta, Ga. (former President Academy of Court of Appointed Masters)
