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Appellate Judges Conference

Committee Descriptions

Standing Committees

Long-Range Planning

Creates, implements, and monitors the Conference’s strategic plan.

Enrollment: Co-chaired by Conference Chair-Elect and Vice-Chair, other members can self-enroll online.

Expectations: Committee will meet as needed at Midyear and Annual Meetings of the ABA, and by conference call. Co-chairs will also participate on the Judicial Division Strategic Planning Committee. Co-chairs will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books. Committee Chairs are a member of the JD Strategic Planning Committee.


Focuses on membership recruitment and retention.

Enrollment: Conference Chair appoints committee Chair, other members can self-enroll online.

Expectations: Committee will meet as needed by conference call. Chair will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books. Chair is a member of the Judicial Division Membership Committee.

Newsletter (JD Record)

Committee is responsible for soliciting, collecting, editing and submitting articles for publication in the JD Record.

Enrollment: Conference Chair appoints committee Chair. Other members can self- enroll online.

Expectations: This committee requires a significant time commitment, attention to detail, and commitment to meeting deadlines. Cultivating high quality, regular contributors for AJC’s section of the JD Record, and an editorial eye are necessary. Chair serves as AJC representative on the JD Record Editorial Board. Committee works closely with JD publications staff. Chair will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books


According to section 7.1 of the AJC bylaws: Nominations for officers and members-at-large of the Executive Committee shall be made by the Nominating Committee.

Enrollment: Conference Chair to appoint chair and members, traditionally the committee Chair is the AJC Immediate Past Chair. Composed of at least 3 members who are not candidates for office. Majority shall not be a present officer or member of Executive Committee.

Expectations: Committee will send out a call for nominations for the coming bar year. The committee will submit report of nominees to AJC Chair no later than 45 days prior to opening assembly of the Annual Meeting. The committee will publish, either digitally or in print, the final report to all Conference members no later than 30 days prior to the opening assembly of the Annual Meeting. If the Committee Chair is the Immediate Past Chair of the Conference then he/she is a member of the JD Nominating Committee.


Solicits, reviews and selects programs for presentation at the Midyear and Annual Meetings, as well as for the JD Sponsored webinar. Seeks opportunities to collaborate and co-sponsor programs with other entities within the ABA.

Enrollment: Conference Chair appoints the committee Chair. Other members can self-enroll online.

Expectations: Committee will work with Judicial Division staff to ensure program application submission deadlines are met, will actively pursue innovative and relevant topics for programs, and will strive to meet diversity goals when selecting topics and panelists. Chair will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books.

Ad Hoc Committees

AJEI Summit

This committee is primarily responsible for the AJC’s involvement in the AJEI Summit.

Enrollment: Conference Chair, in consultation with AJEI Chair and AJC officers, appoints committee Chair, who in turn serves as Summit Chair.  Summit Chair assembles a committee each year to help plan annual AJEI Summit. 

Expectations: Committee works with Duke University School of Law to coordinate AJC’s participation in the Summit. Ensures there is space and time on the schedule for AJC, CAL and CASA to have their business meetings. Helps Duke promote the Summit to ABA members. Chair will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books.

Ethics and Professionalism

Committee studies ethical challenges in the court room, creates programming, recommends policy.

Enrollment: Conference Chair appoints committee Chair. Other members can self-enroll online.

Expectations: Committee will meet as needed by conference call. Chair will participate as a member of the Judicial Division’s Ethics Committee. Chair will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books.

Judicial Clerkship

Committee will work with Judicial Division Judicial Clerkship Program Committee to assist in recruiting judges to participate in the annual program at Midyear.

Enrollment: Conference Chair appoints committee Chairs. Other members can self-enroll online.

Expectations: Committee will work to promote the participation of as many judges, CASA, and CAL members as possible, will work with JD Judicial Clerkship Program Committee chairs, and ABA Judicial Division and Diversity Center staff to support the annual program. Chair will submit verbal report of committee activities during monthly AJC conference calls, and written report one month prior to Midyear and Annual for inclusion in Conference agenda books.