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CASA Committees

CASA members who serve on one or more committees not only contribute to the ongoing success of the organization, but they also meet and get to know colleagues from around the country, which is one of the principal benefits of becoming active in CASA.

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To enroll in the Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys, you must be a current member of the ABA Judicial Division Appellate Judges Conference.

Program Library

CASA members have access to past recorded audio and video programs produced by the Judicial Division, the AJC and its partners. Topics include Writing a Persuasive Appellate Brief, Effective Oral Advocacy, The Nuts and Bolts of Appellate Practice, and much more.

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Contact Us

Amy Dasgupta, Program Specialist, 800.238.2667 ext. 5419, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654