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About Us

Who We Are

The Judicial Division Appellate Judges Conference (AJC) is a nationwide network of over 1,100 state and federal appellate judges, appellate staff attorneys, and appellate lawyers.

As the American population becomes more sophisticated and as public discourse becomes more critical, the courts and judicial system are being increasingly scrutinized. AJC affiliated Division members are a vital part of the legal community, ensuring that your voice and concerns are heard and acted upon. Through the national voice that the ABA provides, the AJC plays a leading role in defining, supporting and maintaining the efficiency and independence of the state and federal appellate judiciary.

Our Mission

The AJC is dedicated to an efficient, independent judiciary. Through dynamic educational programs and leadership, members keep abreast of important issues and speak out through the national voice that the ABA provides. As with all Judicial Division Conferences, the AJC operates independently with its own: membership, bylaws, leadership, committees, publications, programs, newsletter, liaisons to other entities, representative to the Judicial Division Council, representative to the ABA House of Delegates, and liaison from the ABA Board of Governors.


2024-2025 AJC Executive Committee


Chair:  Hon. Christopher McFadden, Atlanta, GA
Chair-Elect:  Hon. J. Michelle Childs, Washington, DC
Vice-Chair:  Hon. Christopher Goff, Indianapolis, IN
Secretary:  Hon. Luz Elena D. Chapa, San Antonio, TX
HOD Delegate:  Hon. David Thomson, Santa Fe, NM


Immediate Past Chair:  Hon. Laurie McKinnon, Helena, MT
Budget Officer:  Hon. George C. James, Jr., Sumter, SC
Ex-Officio Member:  Hon. Jacqueline Nguyen, Pasadena, CA

2025:   Hon. Allegra Collins, Raleigh, NC
2025:   Hon. George C. James, Jr., Sumter, CA
2025:   Hon. Robert Torres, Hagåtña, GU 
2025:   Hon. Briana Zamora, Saint Paul, MN
2026:   Hon. Nancy Abudu, Atlanta GA
2026:   Hon. Linda Bell, Carson City, NV
2026:   Hon. Randall Howe, Phoenix, AZ           
2026:   Hon. Leanna Weissmann, Indianapolis, IN

Council of Appellate Lawyers:  Jill Wheaton, Ann Arbor, MI
Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys:  Jessica Ballard-Barnett, Indianapolis, IN
ABA Board of Governors Liaison:  Ted Davis, Atlanta, GA 

Issues of Importance

As the American population becomes more sophisticated and as public discourse becomes more critical, the courts and judicial system are being increasingly scrutinized. AJC membership is a way for you, as a vital member of the legal community, to ensure that your voice and concerns are heard and acted upon. Through the national voice that the ABA provides, the AJC plays a leading role in defining, supporting and maintaining the efficiency and independence of the state and federal appellate judiciary.

The AJC is always looking to enhance the appellate judiciary through projects and iniatives important to AJC members. Current issues that the AJC is working on include:

  • Appellate Education
  • Reducing appellate court delay;
  • Providing leadership on improving judicial salaries, retirement plans and working conditions;
  • Developing important ABA policies relating to judicial administration;
  • Remedying inadequate resources for appellate courts;
  • Improving public perception of the courts;
  • Enhancing judicial independence; and
  • Promoting Fair and Impartial Courts.


AJC 50th Anniversary

On August 8th, 2014 the Appellate Judges Conference celebrated its 50th Anniversary at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.  To commemorate their many contributions and accomplishments, the AJC members, under the direction of Judge James Lockemy, South Carolina Court of Appeals, presented a video during the 50thAnniversary Luncheon on the “best of AJC”, including a glimpse into the future of the organization.

A History of the ABA Appellate Judges Conference