Each day, more than 30,000 judges throughout America ensure that our nation continues to be ruled by laws and that everyone is equal before the law. Our courts must apply our laws fairly and impartially and not be influenced by the “ill humors” of popular, partisan, and special interests. One of the most effective ways to promote public understanding and commitment to preserving the Rule of Law is for the public to meet the dedicated public servants who are America’s judges and to appreciate their unwavering commitment to fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law.
Join Us For
National Judicial Outreach - Whenever, Wherever
2024 Participation
The ABA Judicial Division’s Judicial Outreach Network Committee urges active and retired judges to invite their communities to their courthouses and to go out into their communities to meet with the public, in person or virtually, and talk about the Rule of Law and the work courts do every day.
The Judicial Outreach Network prepared an informational packet that explains the how and why of NJOW. The Judicial Outreach Network also developed a concise PowerPoint presentation entitled Preserving the Rule of Law (Judicial Version) (ALJ Version) and Speaker Notes that you can use or adapt to your own style and preferences. The presentation has been carefully crafted to provide an understandable description of the Rule of Law and to foster discussion between speakers and audiences.
Please also refer to the NJOW template phone script and template letter as part of our NJOW toolkit resources to recruit additional participants.
Conference of Chief Justices and Conference of State Court Administrators passed a joint resolution supporting Judicial Division's NJOW.
2019 CCJ/COSCA Resolution
2020 CCJ Resolution
Please Report Your NJOW Presentations to the Judicial Division!
Please fill out this online form so we can keep track of your NJOW presentations and progress taking place around the country.
Litigation Section
The Judicial Division collaborates with Litigation Section for NJOW - Collaboration Assists Advancement of NJOW.
The JD Judicial Outreach Network will get assistance from the Litigation Section's Committee on the American Judicial System for promoting Judicial Outreach. The Section has developed the following materials to assist its members and litigators: Litigation NJOW Step-by-Step Guide, Litigation NJOW FAQs, Litigation NJOW Presentation, and Litigation NJOW Discussion Topics.
If you are interested in being paired with a lawyer for a presentation, whether it can be held in-person or virtually, please email Kris Berliant your Name/Court/City/State/Place for Event/Date.