The JD Court-Apponted Neutrals Committee brought two resolutions to the House of Delegates at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Resolution 516 and Resolution 517 both passed.
Presented several CLE and non-CLE programs during the ABA Annual Meeting in Denver, including two Presidential Showcase Programs:
Responding to Judicial and Lawyer Misconduct
The Innocence Project at 20: What We Now Know About the Causes of Wrongful Convictions
Held a successful book drive for a local charity in Denver, CO during the ABA Annual Meeting.
Produced many CLE webinars on various hot topics like Generative AI, Ethics in a Virtual Court, Court-Appointed Neutrals Use in Court and many more. All programs are available On Demand.
Cosponsored a webinar with the ABA International Law Sections Middle East Committee titled, "Feet to the Fire: Holding Iran Accountable for its Egregious Human Rights Violations."
Cosponsored a webinar with the National Association of Women Judges titled, "Legislative Update: Status of LGBTQ Rights Due to Recent State Laws Across the U.S.; Welcoming LGBTQ+ People in Our Courthouses."
Held a successful in-person CLE during the 2023 Midyear Meeting titled, “Dare to be Different: Think Outside the Box to Improve Juvenile Justice in Your Community."
The Standing Committee on Diversity in the Judiciary held Youth Outreach Programs in New Orleans, LA during the Midyear Meeting and in Denver, CO during the Annual Meeting.
Collaborated with the Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline on the 23rdJudicial Clerkship Program.
The Standing Committee on Diversity in the Judiciary conducted two Pathways to the Bench Programs, one in Denver, CO at the Colorado Bar Association and one in New Orleans, LA at Loyola University College of Law.
Through the National Judicial College, our Appellate Judges Conference, along with the Council of Appellate Lawyers and the Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys held their Annual Appellate Judges Education Institute in Scottsdale, AZ. Our own Judge J. Michelle Childs, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, was the keynote speaker.
Published five books through the JD Book Editorial Board:
Produced four electronic issues of The JD Record newsletter.
The Judicial Division generated several programs through our grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The grant continues to be the largest grant awarded to the ABA and worth $2.7 million. Through this grant, we:
Host free webinars on topics ranging from various aspects of impaired driving, DUI Courts, and other evidence-based best practices for pre-trial and post-adjudication issues in alcohol and drug impaired driving cases.