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November 02, 2022 Appellate Judges Conference

AJC's Judicial Division Vice-Chair Nomination Process

The American Bar Association (ABA) Judicial Division (JD) Bylaws provide that, at each Annual Meeting, the JD elects a Vice-Chair whose term begins at the close of that Annual Meeting. It is now the time for the Appellate Judges Conference (AJC) to select a representative from our Conference to serve as the Vice-Chair of the JD. Other duties and responsibilities of the Vice-Chair include serving as the Vice-Chair of the JD’s Strategic Planning Committee.

The AJC Nominating Committee is charged with recommending the representative to serve as the JD Vice-Chair. The AJC Executive Committee will vote on the recommendation and submit its nominee to the JD Nominating Committee. The JD Nominating Committee will then vote on that nomination at the 2023 ABA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

The Honorable Jacqueline Nguyen, 2022-2023 Chair of the AJC, has appointed the following members to serve on the AJC Nominating Committee: the Honorable Samuel A. Thumma, Chair, Phoenix, AZ; the Honorable Michele D. Hotten, Annapolis, MD; and the Honorable Albert Diaz, Charlotte, NC.

The Nomination Process will open on Friday, November 4, 2022 and will close on Friday, December 9, 2022.

We will begin accepting applications on Friday, November 4, 2022. If you are interested in being considered for this important leadership position, please submit a letter of interest, your resume and a description of your involvement with the AJC, the JD and ABA, by no later than by Friday, December 9, 2022 to Tori Jo Wible, JD Director and Chief Counsel, at [email protected].

Thank you,
The AJC Nominating Committee