The ABA Commission on the American Jury Project is a continuation of the combined work of the 2004-2005 American Jury Project and Commission on the American Jury. In our efforts to advance the implementation of the ABA Principles on Juries and Jury Trials and reach out to the public, third party interest groups, government officials, national media, and the legal profession as a whole on the importance of jury service and jury reform the Commission has developed the Jury Innovation Resource Kit. The resources below have been made available to assist all that are interested in improving jury system.
ABA Principles for Juries and Jury Trial
In the February 2005, the ABA House of Delegates overwhelmingly approved the ABA Principles for Juries and Jury Trials. The Principles are a revision and consolidation of several sets standards on the jury system that were developed by different ABA Sections and Divisions.
2006 National Symposium on the American Jury System Materials
In October 2006 the Commission on the American Jury Project held the National Symposium on the American Jury System. This Symposium was a continuation of the important work started at the 2004 National Symposium at Washington and Lee. The 2006 Symposium featured dynamic panels with national experts focusing on the implementation of jury innovations since the publication of the ABA Principles for Juries and Jury Trials. Judges and practitioners from across the country discussed different ways jurisdictions have evaluated and adopted jury innovations. Experts examined new issues on the horizon and a special panel of judges will offer views from the bench.
Conference of Chief Justices Resolution
The Conference of Chief Justices adopted a resolution encouraging states to implement procedures and practices consistent with the ABA Principles for Juries and Jury Trials and to support the work of the Commission on the American Jury Project.
7th Circuit Project Manual
Following the approval of the ABA Principles for Juries and Jury Trials in February 2005, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit took a leading role nationwide and implemented and tested seven concepts included in the ABA Principles in a two phase project. The Project Manual was used by District Judges and Magistrate Judges through out the project.
Project Manual Phase II
NCSC State of the States Compendium
In May of 2007, the National Center for State Courts Center for Jury Studies released the State of the States: Survey of Jury Improvement Efforts Compendium Report. The survey was a comprehensive study of jury policies, operations and practices.
New York Jury Trial Innovation
This short pamphlet summarizes authority and suggested procedures for implementing jury questions, note taking, voir dire openings and written jury instructions. It’s a useful tool for anyone interested in these jury practices.
Jury Trial Innovations in New York State: A Practical Guide for Trial Judges