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Judicial Division

Liaison Guide

Liaison Duties

Expectations for JD liaisons include the following:

  1. Contact the chair of the entity to which you have been appointed and inform the chair of your assignment.
  2. Participate in the meetings or conference calls of the group to which you are a liaison during the course of the year.
  3. Advocate the Judicial Division’s position on resolutions or potential resolutions that may come before the House of Delegates.
  4. Inform the entity about the Judicial Division’s committees, projects, and programs in which members of the entity may have an interest.
  5. Participate in two conference calls with the Judicial Division Delegate to the House prior to the ABA Midyear and Annual Meetings.
  6. Advise the JD Delegate to the House, Rick Bien, of any resolutions that your entity is bringing forward that may impact the Judicial Division or the interests of its members.
  7. Complete a written report for the ABA Midyear and Annual Meeting.
  8. To be reimbursed by the JD for attending an outside entity event, the liaison must submit a report on their activities and how the JD can partner with the other entity. Liaisons may be reimbursed by the partner entity or the JD. Per written policy, JD reimbursement is limited to the cost of registration (if not waived by sponsoring entity) and a meal allowance of $75 per day. 

Liaison List

Please see the JD Council, Committee Chairs, and Liasions Roster (2023-2024)

Division Contacts 

Your Judicial Division Contacts for September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024 are:

Judicial Division Chair: Hon. Julian Mann, III

Judicial Division Delegate to (HOD): Mr. Richard N. Bien

Judicial Division Staff Director: Ms. Tori Jo Wible