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JD Leadership Portal

Welcome to the Judicial Division Leadership Portal. This Portal serves as comprehensive guide for members on the functions of the ABA and Judicial Division and provides resources, policy and tools to help members achieve goals of the Division.

Judicial Division 101

Judicial Division Policy

Judicial Division Liaisons

How to Plan a JD Program

ABA 101

  • ABA 101
  • ABA Leadership: Covers the core groups that make up the ABA's Leadership including the Office of the President information as well as access to the ABA Leadership Directory (Redbook).
  • ABA Board of Governors: The 44-member Board of Governors has the authority to act and speak for the ABA, consistent with previous action of the House of Delegates, when the House is not in session. The Board usually meets four times a year. It oversees the general operation of the ABA and develops specific plans of action.
    Includes links for Policy Made Easy Brochure, Blanket Authority Handbook and Business Conduct Standards.
  • ABA House of Delegates: The control and administration of the ABA is vested in the House of Delegates, the policy-making body of the association. The House meets twice each year, at ABA Annual and Midyear Meetings. At the Midyear Meeting, the Nominating Committee nominates officers and members of the Board of Governors.
    Includes current links to ABA Policy and Procedures Handbook, ABA Constitution and Bylaws, Drafting Guidelines for Resolutions and Reports.
  • Section Officers Conference (SOC): The SOC comprises the leadership of the ABA Sections, Divisions, and Forum Committees. 
  • Sample Bylaws
  • Robert's Rules Cheat Sheet
  • Secretary Position in SDFs