Young Lawyer & Law Student Series
Video and webinar programming designed to empower young lawyers and law students to achieve career and academic success. Sponsored by the Judicial Division, Young Lawyers Division, and Law Student Division.
Ms. Petrasek is the immediate past chair of the Washington State Bar Association Solo & Small Practice Section, is actively involved in the ABA Solo Small Firm & General Practice Division and Judicial Division, and served as a delegate to the ABA House of Delegates for 11 years.
More About - Ms. PetrasekThe Judicial Division received generous donations for ABA Giving Day and raised $10,690!
View - DonorsVideo and webinar programming designed to empower young lawyers and law students to achieve career and academic success. Sponsored by the Judicial Division, Young Lawyers Division, and Law Student Division.
This edition of The Judges’ Journal focuses on sports and entertainment law, which is more than just a fascinating area of the profession; these popular topics generate challenging, interesting, and complex issues.
Enhance your career, expand your network, stay current on latest news and trends, shape the future of the judiciary.
NHTSA in partnership with the Judicial Division operates this Program to provide educational information to members of the judiciary who adjudicate traffic safety cases on evidence-based sentencing practices, criminal justice reform, and reducing impaired driving recidivism.
The committees of the Judicial Division contribute and assist the initiatives and work of the Division, including opportunities to work on policy proposals, be published or speak at programs.
More About - CommitteesDonating to the Judicial Division demonstrates your commitment to the improvement of the justice system. We serve as the judicial voice of the ABA and your tax-deductible contribution supports policies, programming and projects affecting the judiciary on a national level. Please consider the Judicial Division for online donations, gifts, or planned giving. Please check the drop-down menu for specific conferences, or support the work of the Division.
Thomson Reuters provides innovative solutions that enable you to efficiently manage your court, in person or virtually, in order to ensure access to justice in your communities. We are the most trusted source for government professionals including state, local and federal government and counted on to provide solutions with unrivaled breadth of domain expertise, trusted content, and intelligently connected technologies.
Digital Evidence - CenterSee our staff list for specific Division staff members and other key contacts within the ABA.