When it comes to working with an expert or expert witness, there can be a lot of moving parts to keep track of. You have to determine how an expert can be a guide to you and support your research while also being fully aware of the entire legal environment surrounding you.
Navigating a relationship with an expert can be challenging, but it can be done successfully if you and your expert pay attention to each other throughout the process. Author and attorney Janet S. Kole examines the complex issue of expert witnesses in her new book, How to Train Your Expert: Making Your Client’s Case. The book is the latest addition to Kole’s series of bestselling guides on litigation for young lawyers.
How to Train Your Expert takes young lawyers through all the steps of working with an expert: how to determine whether you need an expert, how to find an expert, how to prepare your expert for deposition and for trial, and how to establish a productive relationship with the expert.
In this episode of the Modern Law Library, ABA Publishing’s Olivia Aguilar speaks with Kole about common mistakes that young lawyers make while working with an expert, the ins and outs of the written report and how to avoid “impermissible ventriloquism.”
Podcast listeners can purchase How to Train Your Expert through the ABA web store.
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