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April 16, 2012 Law Scribbler Podcast

How Can You Make Sure Your Client Pays You What You’re Owed?

By Rachel M. Zahorsky

As the difficult economy intensifies pressure on lawyers and law firms to keep billings and collections up, clients are finding it difficult to pay large legal fees on time. This combination is fueling an uptick in fee suits filed by lawyers looking to collect and the boomerang malpractice claims filed in response by their clients.

Hear ABA Journal business of law reporter Rachel M. Zahorsky discuss with Beazley’s Brant Weidner this dangerous trend, along with key points for lawyers to contemplate when weighing the risks and rewards of a fee suit and ways to prevent the predicament altogether.

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In This Podcast:

Rachel M. Zahorsky
Brant Weidner is a claims manager for the lawyers’ professional liability business at Beazley. He is also responsible for developing Beazley’s risk management program for the large lawyers’ line. Prior to joining Beazley in 2007, Weidner spent 16 years as a lawyer in private practice at a large Chicago firm. He also has almost five years experience in managing lawyers’ professional liability claims for an industry mutual which catered to large law firms.