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April 02, 2012 ABA Journal Podcast

Jerks at Work: How to Deal with Difficult Colleagues

By Stephanie Francis Ward

If you work with bullies, backstabbers and queen (or king) bees, work can make you crazy.  But it doesn’t have to, and employees might find the best solutions by first looking at themselves, say employment experts.  Hear them share their thoughts with ABA Journal podcast moderator Stephanie Francis Ward.

Related article:

ABA Journal: “No Jerks: Some Firms Argue that Collegiality Pays”

Listen to the Podcast

In This Podcast:

Stephanie Francis Ward
John F. Beasley Jr. is an employment lawyer in Watkinsville, Ga., is a past president of the Georgia National Employment Lawyers Association. Currently, he co-chairs the employee rights and responsibilities committee of the American Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Law Section.

Tracey I. Dibble is a human resources professional. Her industry experience includes education, insurance, brokerage, banking, home healthcare and youth services.

Patricia Pippert, is president of P2 Enterprises, a Chicago-headquartered group that provides corporate training. Pippert, who has a master’s degree in organizational management, often focuses on personal and management development.