The Secretary General of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes discusses new developments, trends and statistics, ICSID’s new 2022 rules which went into force in July of 2022, and presents on a signficant joint Code of Conduct project.
ICSID’s Secretariat executes the organization’s daily operations, including functions and responsibilites as set out in the ICSID Convention (Articles 9 to 11 of ICSID Convention and the Administrative and Financial Regulations). The Secretariats ICSID and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) have collaborated on a Code of Conduct for Arbitrators in International Investment Disputes intended to provide applicable principles and provisions addressing matters such as independence and impartiality, and the duty to conduct proceedings with integrity, fairness, efficiency and civility. It is based on a comparative review of standards found in codes of conduct in investment treaties, arbitration rules applicable to ISDS, and of international courts.
Trends in multilateral treaties, world regions, an developments in diversity are among the topics discussed.