What was your first leadership post in the Section, and what’s a favorite Section memory you’d like to share?
I was liaison from Law Student Division “back in the day” (if that counts). Multiple committee VC roles soon thereafter. Very fond memories of the Leadership Retreat at Half Moon Bay.
What’s your favorite city to revisit, and where do you want to go most that you haven’t been to yet?
London. I would like most to visit Spain or Ireland next.
If you could take the whole Section out for a meal, we would have…?
Botana platters from the Rio Grande Valley, magically flown in. Light on the cheese; heavy on the grilled veggies; chiles toreados to the side. Marinated beef and chicken fajita. (You’re welcome, America.)
What’s one thing you do for your mental and emotional wellbeing?
Fruit and vegetable gardening.
What are you reading/watching/listening to that you would recommend?
Watching: Homegrown on Magnolia Network (streaming).
Reading: The Swamp Peddlers by Jason Vuic.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Getting out of my house (and more walks with my bride).