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Confronting Uganda’s Gravest Human Rights Challenge

Courtney Thomas

Confronting Uganda’s Gravest Human Rights Challenge
David Sacks via Getty Images

Uganda’s ongoing struggle against child sacrifice underscores the urgent need for strong laws, cross-sector collaboration, and cultural understanding to protect vulnerable populations. My experiences in Uganda have shown me how legal and societal efforts must intersect to address this grave human rights issue effectively.

As an American law student, I had the privilege of interning with Uganda’s Supreme Court, where I researched children’s rights cases, including the pivotal Uganda v. Kato Kajubi Godfrey, a landmark in addressing child sacrifice. While I did not attend the trial itself, studying this case deepened my understanding of the Ugandan justice system’s approach to such heinous crimes. It also highlighted the complexities of prosecuting these cases, such as unreliable witness testimony, and the unwavering commitment of those striving to protect children.

In 2024, I returned to Uganda with Kyampisi Childcare Ministries to support capacity building initiatives among prosecutors, police officers, and judges. This experience illuminated how laws like the Penal Code Act and the Witchcraft Act are applied in combating child sacrifice and the critical gaps that persist. Issues like poverty and deeply rooted superstitions complicate both prevention and prosecution efforts, revealing the need for a more holistic approach.

The Kato Kajubi Godfrey case, which resulted in a life sentence, stands out as a legal milestone. Yet, it also underscores that laws alone cannot eradicate child sacrifice. Public awareness campaigns, community-driven initiatives, and international partnerships are all indispensable components of sustainable change.

These experiences have profoundly shaped my dedication to advocating for vulnerable children. They reinforced my belief that countering human rights violations like child sacrifice requires a multifaceted approach—legal reform, grassroots action, and collaboration between diverse stakeholders. My time in Uganda continues to inspire me to work toward solutions that are as inclusive as they are effective.
