VI. Digital and Technology Rights and Ethics
A number of essential rights have been conferred on people over time under the law. These include fundamental human rights and other social rights, as well as more specific interests and entitlements in the technology area. These can be considered to have evolved in a number of separate fields over time. Unfortunately, this has often created a fragmented and dislocated or disjointed framework of entitlements without a clear structure or common components. These have been produced by different bodies for different purposes. Certain entitlements are based on legal rights, while others are only aspirations or recommendations. It is also unclear how these will apply with regard to distinct types of technologies and how these will apply on a national and cross-border basis over time. No attempt has been made to attempt to draw all of these together into a single coherent whole. These entitlements create a useful body of entitlement, although all of this has to be revised and clarified further and incorporated into a single consolidated restatement of rights, regulations, and principles. This must also reflect and respect all relevant underlying legal rights and protections in place at this time.
The following specific set of rights, interests, and entitlements can be identified and is explained in the following section of this paper.
A. Fundamental Rights
Individuals enjoy a number of existing fundamental rights and entitlements. These include the measures set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France. This was followed by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) adopted by the Council of Europe in Rome on September 3, 1953. The UDHR contains thirty essential entitlements, while the ECHR contains thirteen universal protections. The ECHR was subsequently incorporated into the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU) in 2012. The CFREU contains fifty-four provisions. The European Union Charter came into effect with the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 and has the same legal status as other European Union treaties, with European Union institutions being required to adhere to the terms of the Charter. Separate fundamental rights are specified in the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) of December 16, 1966, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) of December 16, 1966. The ICCPR forms part of the International Bill of Human Rights with the UDHR and ICESCR.
Other core sets of protection have been created at the international level. Around nine key international human rights conventions and covenants, with nine supporting optional protocols, have been brought into effect. The United Nations has adopted a separate Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on September 2, 1990, and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on March 30, 2007. Significant rights were also set out under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW 1980). This also includes the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) of December 21, 1965, Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) of December 10, 1984, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICMW) of December 18, 1990, International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CPED) of December 20, 2006, and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) of December 13, 2006. All of these have to be considered to understand the full international rights protection regime in place. A separate set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed to by the United Nations, which set out seventeen interconnected common objectives to promote common global development principles and targets, replacing the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which ended in 2015.
B. Information Rights
The United Nations sponsored a World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005, with a follow-up summit in Geneva in 2005 (WSIS+10). The objective was to examine the opportunities and challenges that arose with regard to the development of ICT, especially with the “digital divide” that arises between developed and emerging economies in the technological area. A Declaration of Principles was agreed to at the Geneva Summit, with a Plan of Action to provide half of the world’s population with online access facilities by 2015. A separate paper, Shaping Information Societies for Human Needs, was produced by Civil Society Delegates. It proposed a formation of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) following the 2003 Summit, the establishment of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) at the 2005 Tunis Summit, and the conversion of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) into a global authority to manage the Domain Name System (DNS).
C. Internet Rights
The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) proposed an Internet Rights Charter at its workshop in February 2001, and produced an initial Internet Rights Charter in 2001-2002, which was republished in March 2006. This was based on seven key themes of internet access for all (UDHR art. 26): the development of human personality and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; freedoms of expression and association (UDHR art. 18); access to knowledge (UDHR art. 27); shared learning and creation (UDHR art. 27); privacy, surveillance, and encryption (UDHR art. 12); internet governance; and awareness, protection, and realization of rights.
The Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet (Charter) was published in 2014, which consisted of twenty-one key provisions, with a separate set of ten key Internet Rights and Principles. The Charter was produced by the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles based on the WSIS Declaration of Principles of Geneva and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society. This follows the UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, CRC, and CRPD.
The Charter stresses the importance of the Internet as a place for people to communicate, meet, and congregate, as it is a basic utility for people, communities, and organizations across all areas of human and society. “Affordable and knowledgeable access to the Internet has become a fundamental need to fully realize all human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, development and social justice.” These are impacted by the governance of internet infrastructure, application, and usage, with “the full and universal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms” requiring internet access. The global nature of the Internet is referred to as “a precious asset to increase and sustain a better mutual knowledge, understanding and acceptance,” with human rights being “universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated.” The Internet has to be properly ordered on a public and private basis for people understanding the relevance of universal human rights and freedoms of individuals, and every part of society has “to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and, by local and global measures, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.” Ten key rights and principles are identified in terms of universality and equality; social justice; accessibility; expression and association; privacy and data protection; life, liberty, and security; diversity; network equality; open standards and regulation; and property governance in a transparent and multilateral manner based on openness, inclusive participation, and accountability.
The Charter clarifies twenty-one rights and freedoms and includes specified duties and responsibilities and other general provisions. A number of these provisions are expanded, with the Charter consisting of around sixty specific sets of recommendations. These can be considered to be structured in terms of nine general rights and freedoms and ten other more specific sets of applications, additional provisions on duties and responsibilities, and general clauses. The IPRC Charter provides an impressive, articulate, and comprehensive statement of internet-related rights.
D. Digital Rights
Other sets of private digital rights initiatives have been developed over time. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was established as a non-profit organisation to defend civil liberties in a digital world in 1990 and has worked through the impact of litigation, policy analysis, activism, and technology development, with various reports being published each year. The Open Rights Group (ORG) and annual ORGCON conferences were established in the United Kingdom following a 2005 Open Tech discussion regarding preserving digital rights and freedoms, particularly against surveillance and encroachment.
The Global Network Initiative (GNI) was set up in October 2008, on the sixtieth anniversary of the UDHR, as a non-governmental organisation made up of internet and telecommunications companies, human rights and press freedom groups, investors, and academic institutions to prevent internet censorship and protect privacy rights. GNI published a set of Principles, which cover freedom of expression, privacy, responsible company decision-making, multi-stakeholder collaboration and governance, accountability, and transparency with separate implementation guidelines, an accountability, policy, and learning framework, and a Governance Charter.
Other groups include the Internet Society (ISOC), European Digital Rights (EDRi), and the Freedom Online Coalition. Work is also carried out by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Other private cybersecurity-specific work is carried out by national and corporate incidence response teams, including CERTs or CSIRTs, with the Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).
E. Data Rights
A series of significant underlying rights and protections were created under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), which came into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR, enacted in April 2016, replaced the Data Protection Directive (DPD) implemented in the United Kingdom under the Data Protection Act of 1998. The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence was earlier protected under Article 8 of the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), and the seven principles agreed upon by the OECD recommendations on privacy and transborder flows included notice, purpose, consent, security, disclosure, access, and accountability provisions. Controls on automatic processing were provided for under the 1981 Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals.
The GDPR applies to personal data, which is information relating to a living individual that can be identified directly from the information or through matching with other information that is, or is likely to be, in the possession of the organisation or entity concerned. Obligations are imposed on data collectors and data processors. Public entities and firms that regularly and systematically process personal data must employ a Data Protection Officer (DPO). Data is generally to be protected “by design” and “by default” in systems processing (Article 25). The GDPR contains eight revised data protection principles based on fair and lawful processing and legitimate purposes, instructing that data be adequate, relevant and non-excessive, accurate and up-to-date, not kept for longer than necessary, processed in accordance with individual rights, and secure and properly transferred. Data subjects have eight principal rights under the GDPR: being informed, allowed access, data correction, data erasure, object to processing, suspend processing, data transferring rights, and additional protections in relation to automatic processing. Firms in breach of the GDPR can be fined up to €20 million or four percent of annual global turnover. European member states must establish an independent Supervisory Authority (SA), with activities being coordinated through a European Data Protection Board (EDPB).
The GDPR has extended the personal rights initially conferred under the 1995 European Data Protection Directive (1995 DPD) in a number of important respects. Firms must consider data subjects’ interests in managing personal data. The GDPR does not apply to national security, police or judicial use, statistical and scientific analysis, and personal use. Security and judicial matters are dealt with under Part 3 and Part 4 of the DPA 2018 in the UK, with equivalent GDPR measures being applied to other areas outside the GDPR under Part 2 of the DPA 2018. The Information Commissioner (IC) is established under Part 5, and enforcement is dealt with in Part 6. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly obtain or disclose personal data without the consent of the data controller, procure such disclosure or retain data without consent, and sell or offer to sell personal data, which implements the requirements set out in the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Directive (IPRED) (2004/48/EC). The GDPR does not attempt to confirm the nature of data or personal data in law or the rights of companies and data subjects outside the terms of the regulation. Separate concerns have arisen with regard to the nature of consent and the cost and burden of compliance. European Union cybersecurity has had to be dealt with separately under the Network Information Systems Directive (NIS Directive), which came into effect in August 2016 and was to be implemented by May 9, 2018.
F. Climate
A number of different sets of recommendations and principles have been developed to support sustainable climate management. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted in 1992 with the objective of limiting human interference with the climate system. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention was entered into and required countries to enter into specific emission commitments. The Copenhagen Accord was agreed to in 2009 to limit future temperature increases to below 2°C. Additionally, the Paris Climate Agreement was adopted in 2015 and created a procedure to set and assess goals and assist developing countries to enter the climate control framework. A 2020 United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) was to be held in the United Kingdom in November 2020 but was postponed until 2021.
Related sets of principles for biospheric and environmental law have been adopted, with climate change being a sub-field within this larger field. A series of twenty-seven Bali Principles of Climate Justice (Bali Principles) was, for example, produced by activist organisations for social and environmental justice in August 2002. These refer to the “scientific reality” of climate change being caused, inter alia, through the consumption of fossil fuels, deforestation, and ecological damage, and they discuss the need to protect fundamental rights, including those under the UDHR and United Nations Convention on Genocide. The Bali Principles include a number of important ideas and principles in the twenty-seven recommendations made.
UNESCO has adopted a more general Declaration on the Responsibilities of the Present Generations Towards Future Generations in November 1997. This provides that present generations have the responsibility of ensuring that the needs and interests of present and future generations are fully safeguarded and that all generations enjoy full freedom of choice as to their political, economic, and social systems and are able to preserve their cultural and religious diversity. Present generations are to ensure the maintenance and perpetuation of humankind, with due respect to the dignity of the human person, and to bequeath an Earth not irreversibly damaged by human activity, with the environment and richness of the Earth’s ecosystems being protected. Additional provisions apply with regard to the human genome and biodiversity, cultural diversity and cultural heritage, the common heritage of humankind, peace, development and education, and non-discrimination. All relevant agencies and organisations, individuals, and public and private bodies are to promote respect for the ideals set out in the UNESCO Declaration to raise public awareness, as part of its ethical mission. Protecting the common heritage of mankind can be considered to constitute a more general principle of international law and is reflected in other conventions and treaties.
G. Energy Rights
Energy law has been considered an independent academic discipline since 1996. Writers have criticised attempts to divide this into, for example, the separate areas of oil and gas (lex petrolia) and mining (lex mineralia). The issue of energy rights has been considered with the emerging field of energy justice. The development of a “Theory of Energy Law” was considered at a conference in Helsinki in 2015, with a series of papers following on the evolution and development of energy law. A series of general principles of energy law have since been produced. These are essentially based on sovereignty, access, justice, sustainability, climate protection, security, and resilience. These reflect general environmental and climate change principles at a more specific resource- and technology-based level.
H. Machine Rights
Machine rights can be considered in terms of machine regulation and machine ethics, the latter of which is concerned with the moral impact of the use or conduct of machines. This raises issues of AI agents (AIAs), ethical intelligent agents (EIAs), and artificial moral agents (AMAs). Different types of ethical capacity among ethical machines can be distinguished, including impact, implicit, explicit, and full ethical agents.
The European Union has proposed a new Machinery Products Regulation, which will replace its earlier measure in this area. AI and robotics systems will have to be subject to appropriate health and safety standards to the extent that they constitute a form of machinery. Machinery is defined in terms of moveable machines for the purposes of this paper. A comprehensive health and safety regime is applied regarding machinery within the European Union under the Machinery Directive and will be replaced by the proposed Machinery Products Regulation. Machinery is generally defined within the European Union in terms of an assembly with movable parts. The proposed Machinery Products Regulation creates a system for the free movement of machinery within the European Union with a list of high risk machinery products, an indicative list of safety components, and a detailed list of essential health and safety requirements related to the design and construction of machinery products. Machinery is to be subject to a conformity assessment and certification procedure, with an affixed CE marking scheme, and with manufacturers required to produce a supporting technical document for machinery products. The essential health and safety conditions are based on certain general principles and more detailed requirements. The proposed Draft Machinery Regulation was adopted as part of the European Union 2020 Commission Work Programme: A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Single Market Act, and New Legislative Framework (NLF). The Ad Hoc Experts Group (AHEG) April 2020 working document on AI Ethics considers alternative AI definitions, including in the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) 2019 study on AI Ethics and EU White Paper on AI. The principles and policy recommendations produced were to be based on international human rights, the Internet Universality framework endorsed by the UNESCO General Conference in 2015, and the High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation through applying the human Rights, Openness, Accessibility, and Multi-stakeholder participation (ROAM) principle. The foundational values would then be based on human rights and fundamental freedoms, inclusivity, non-discrimination (“leaving no one behind”), sustainable development, and environmental protection. Fifteen outline principles were identified by the roundtable discussion on Recommendation 3C by the Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. COMEST also identified eight specific principles. With the AHEG’s objective to move from high level statements to actionability, many available AI ethics principles were accepted as vague and difficult to implement. Following the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) strategic approach and roadmap, ethics was to be considered with decision-making, design, action, and evaluation to “inform capacity building.” The development of an ethical impact assessment (EIA) would also assist predicting consequences, mitigating risk, avoiding harmful consequences, facilitating participation, and dealing with societal challenges. The AHEG produced an outline skeleton document. A summary of possible principles is provided in Annex 3, listing the following principles: human rights, inclusiveness, flourishing, autonomy, explainability, transparency, awareness and literacy, responsibility, accountability, democracy, good governance, sustainability, safety and security, gender, age, privacy, solidarity, value of justice, holistic approach, trust, freedom, dignity, remediation, and professionalism. Other policy actions are outlined, including adoption by the private sector. A list of relevant source documents is produced in Annex 5. Moreover, a list of other documents concerned with AI ethical, legal, and social implications is provided in Annex 6.
Separate issues arise regarding the development of “super artificial intelligence” or super intelligent robots. “Superintelligence” generally refers to the development of AI that surpasses humans across a full range of activities. This corresponds with general AI, rather than narrow AI. Specific residual concerns must be considered with regard to levels of machine sentience, artificial consciousness, liability or control, and human interfaces.
VII. New and Future Technology Architecture
Society has been massively impacted by developments in technology driven by the power, breadth, depth, speed, and continuity of innovation. Technology can, nevertheless, be used to refer to several elements or components without any clear structure, division, or discussion. It is necessary to develop a new technology taxonomy or architecture to understand all of the core elements and how they interrelate. A new taxonomy can be summarised in terms of power, propulsion, products (machinery), processing (computers), and prescription (controls), although a more complex and complete classification can also be produced. For the purposes of this paper, a basic division can be adopted, which distinguishes physical and digital technologies, including both access and applied components. This can then be extended again to include a fourth set of global (SMARTS or STARTS) technologies component. A four-part division can be developed as part of this new taxonomy, consisting of twenty-four specific technologies, including all areas, sub-areas, and sub-fields.
The core physical technologies may be summarised in terms of energy and power, transportation and propulsion, building and construction, manufacturing and production, land use, and carbon capture. While this may be considered in terms of physical technology, the most significant recent innovations have been in digital technology. Energy, biotechnology, and nanotechnology with robotics can constitute hybrid or combination technologies using physical and digital elements or digital controls and applications. The SMARTS (or STARTS) elements consist of Social, Market (or Trade), Atmospheric (Climate), Regulatory, Technological, and Security.
Digital technologies can generally be considered to be made up of access, process, or infrastructure technologies (AccessTech) and then applied, process, or substantive technologies (AppliedTech). Applied or process technologies are defined for this paper to consist of alternative energy systems, computing and quantum computing, digital connections and telecommunications, including cyber security, cloud computing and cloud networks, decentralisation with blockchain and graph technology, and the Internet and WWW. Applied or process technologies consist of data management and analysis, coding and automation, including other forms of advanced programming, biotechnology, nanotechnology, applied robotics and cybernetics with machine reading, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and machine sentience.
While each of these advances brings its own substantial benefit and value, the overall benefits may be massively more significant. It is also necessary to consider them together to identify relevant common issues and challenges, as well as recurrent themes and responses. Constructing a series of common standards and codes of conduct is possible to determine relevant rights and duties in each of these key areas. This can then be joined together to create a more “complete and integrated consolidated restatement of provisions,” which could include appropriate common controls or protocols in each of the key areas concerned.
A. Access and Infrastructure Technology
A series of essential new challenges and associated rights initially arise in ensuring common and equal access to technology and in designing and constructing effective technology access, processing, and infrastructure systems (AccessTech or INFRAs). These may be summarised in terms of TECHS or TECHNICALS.
1. Alternative Energy and Fusion Technology
Energy systems have historically been based on the burning of fossil fuels principally in the form of wood, coal, oil, and gas. The burning of fossil fuels results in an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, which leads to global warming and climate damage. Specific energy advances are expected in the areas of fusion, including cold fusion and thorium reactors to avoid the waste difficulties with current nuclear fission plants. A range of other alternative energy solutions have been developed more recently, including solar photovoltaic and solar thermal, wind turbine and airborne or altitude systems, hydroelectric, wave and tidal, including floating turbines, geothermal and biomass, including biomass boilers, and biofuels energy production methods. In recent decades, many advances have increased energy production output levels and efficiency of these new options. Following the COP 26 event in Scotland in October and November 2021, pressure to create a new system exists.
2. Computing and Quantum Computing
Quantum computing forms part of the larger new area of quantum technology. Quantum computing has been referred to as providing the basis for a “second quantum revolution” after the “first quantum revolution,” which explains physical laws at the microscopic level. Quantum technology was outlined in 1997 and in later technical journals. Quantum technology applies quantum theory in the areas of physics and engineering to develop new forms of technical application. Quantum technology is based on quantum mechanics, which also underlies quantum physics, quantum chemistry, and quantum information science, including quantum information theory. Quantum field studies are transforming the manner in which science and the world are examined. Danish physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962) stated that “those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.”
The development of quantum computing was proposed in 1980 by American Physicist Paul Benioff as a quantum equivalent to English computer scientist Alan Turing’s “a (automatic) machine” originally produced in 1936. The idea was developed by American physicist Richard Feynman and by Russian mathematician Juri Manin. American mathematician Peter Shor produced a quantum algorithm for factoring integers in 2006. A number of limitations, nevertheless, remain in the development of quantum computers. Developers attempt to reach quantum supremacy, with quantum machines being able to produce a solution not capable by traditional computers.
Quantum computing uses quantum circuits, which parallel circuits and logic gates in traditional computing using irreversible and reversible logic gates. A quantum computation then consists of a network of logic gates and measurements. Computation requires a definite phase relationship between different states in quantum coherence. Coherence is lost when the system is not perfectly isolated, including during measurement, which creates decoherence. The three principal types of quantum computers are quantum annealers, quantum analog computers, and universal quantum computers. A universal quantum computer would require around 100,000 qubits, which could be used for searching, sampling, processing, cryptography and machine learning, and AI purposes. Difficulties, nevertheless, continue with securing stable operational conditions to remove interference and with error correction to remove necessary information on noise.
3. Digital Connections and Telecommunications
Data communication or telecommunication involves the transfer or transmission of information or data messages. Communication may be in the form of text, signs, signals, sounds, and images transferred by wire or cable, optical devices, or radio or electromagnetic waves. Data communication also includes radio communication, telegram, telegraphy, and telephony. Telecommunication involves the conversion of a message into a signal, which is transferred from the transmitter through a transmission medium to the receiver. A telecommunications network consists of the aggregation of transmitters, receivers, and transmission media divided into separate channels. A number of significant advances are under development in these areas, which includes the move from G5 to G6 and then further in many parts of the world. Significant advances have also been possible in relation to photonics, which, in particular, forms the basis for the Internet and fibre optic cabling. Photonics is also increasingly used in computing to create new forms of photonic, rather than electronic, circuitry. Photonics can be combined with neuromorphic neural networks to develop advanced new photonic neuromorphic computing systems, which could form the basis for future AI technology.
4. Cloud Computing and Cloud Networks
Cloud computing was originally referred to by United States computer manufacturer Compaq. Computing clouds are distinct from computing grids. Cloud computing is a form of distributed computing, which also includes client server, 3-tier, N-tier, and peer-to-peer systems. Computers are then moved from static closed systems to Personal Area Networks (PANs), Local Area Networks (LANs), geographic Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), and Wide Area Networks (WANs) using larger telecommunications networks, which include the Internet. These networks are generally connected through Ethernet technology, which was standardised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in New York in 1985. This has been followed by other increasingly decentralised and distributed systems. A number of increasingly sophisticated computing networks have been created in recent years. These include cloud computing, using large numbers of high capacity central servers, Cloudlets (sub-centralised models), Fog computing (partially localized systems), and Edge computing, with data collected and processed at source networks.
5. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Blockchain, and Graph Technology
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) operates through multiple distinct nodes that are connected to other units through an extended network and operates on an independent and equal, or non-hierarchical, basis, following the launch of Bitcoin by the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. A wide range of new decentralised application platforms and programs will be developed that allows users to access and process data and services on a direct and localised basis. Decentralised applications in the form of DAPPS are principally associated with DLT and blockchain. These are specifically constructed on the basis of programs such as Ethereum, NxT, and IOTA, as well as possibly EOS or Tron. These benefit from direct party access and local control. A degree of decentralisation is, nevertheless, also available through cloudlets, fogging, and edge computing, which allows local data collection and processing even if services are centralised. A combination of increasingly complex, interconnected, and emergent data management systems will accordingly be constructed over time.
6. The Internet and World Wide Web
The Internet constitutes a global connection of computers using Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The Internet is principally made up of fibre optic cables, including around 300 submarine cables that connect the major cities in the world. The Internet supports the world wide web, email, data transfer, and file sharing using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), instant messaging, Internet fora, and social networking. Internet users are connected through three separate tiers of network systems. Messages are broken up into smaller groups or packets, which are specifically used to break signals up to allow transmission in the event of damage to the network. These pass through Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), IP layers, and the hardware layer within the transmission and receipt computer. Packet messages are transmitted through a routing hierarchy using the IP address attached by the IP protocol layer. IP addresses can also be identified through the Internet Domain Name Service (DNS). Application protocols include the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is used to identify pages on the world wide web with email using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Standards are developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which was set up in 1986.
Computers, the internet, and the world wide web can each be considered to have evolved in at least five major stages or phases. Computers developed from earlier mechanical to vacuum tube and electronic circuits, transistors, integrated circuits, multiple store programming, and supercomputing. Five iterations of the world wide web can also be distinguished with access only (1990s), reactive and self-publishing (2000s), execution only (2010s), future machine net, and immersive.
The Internet originated with the construction of the ARPAnet project in 1969 to develop a military research network on the basis of a decentralised computer network. In 1972, the ARPAnet consisted of forty networked computers using the same protocol, the Network Control Protocol (NCP). The network then expanded considerably, as a large number of other research agencies and universities joined. The ethernet protocol for local networks was then introduced in 1974 following work at Harvard University. The term "Internet” was also used for the first time in 1974 by Vint Serf and Bob Kahn in a paper entitled “Transmission Control Protocol,” which was conducted on behalf of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA). The Internet was opened to general commercial access in 1995.
B. Applied and Process Technology
A parallel series of rights and duties have to be confirmed in the areas of applied, function, or substantive technology (AppliedTech). This is necessary to ensure that these processes are only used in an appropriate manner and respect essential human rights, dignities, and protections. These may, for example, be summarised in terms of Robotics, Embryonics, Security, Programming, Nanotech and biotech, and Systems Environment (RESPONSE) or possibly Data, Internet, Genomics, Iteration, Telecommunications, AI, Decentralised Ledgers, and Security (DIGITALS).
1. Data Management and Data Analytics
“Big data” refers to the systematic examination of information held in large data sets that cannot be processed through general data processing software due to their size or complexity. Big data refers to data sets, the mass of which is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyse and which can only be processed using specialist software or hardware. “Data” is defined for the purposes of this text as structured, organised, or controlled information, with “information” referring to any statement of fact, opinion, or law. This may include structured, unstructured, or semi-structured information, which is determined by the extent to which it is pre-ordered in some form. The reference to big data, in general, requires the data sets to be in excess of one terabyte (one trillion bytes), peta (one thousand trillion bytes), exa (one million trillion) bytes, or zetta (one billion trillion bytes), or possibly even yotta (one trillion trillion bytes), with a “byte” representing eight individual units of digital information. It was predicted that the global datasphere would increase from thirty-three zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. The IoT would produce ninety zettabytes of data by 2025, with China possibly becoming the largest specific datasphere by 2025, having grown at thirty percent per year between 2018 and 2025.
2. Coding and Automation
Computer code can be used to create fully automated and self-executing contracts, or smart contracts. A smart contract was originally designed as a computerised transaction protocol that executes the terms of a contract. A “smart contract” can be defined as “an automatable and enforceable agreement.” The objective is to carry out specific contractual functions on an automated basis, such as with making and collecting payments, transferring property, protecting property, executing security rights, or other enforcement remedies. Early forms included digital bearer certificates or digital cash protocols. Smart contracts use protocols with user interfaces to formalise and secure relationships over computer networks. Smart contracts effectively transfer contractual principles encoded in common law to computer code. This can support the development of new digital market economies. Smart contracts can be considered to have begun with vending machines, with more complex other property management arrangements possible. Smart contracts can be considered from the perspective of either the contract and contractual rights or the property concerned, which creates separate smart property. Blockchain smart contracts use distributed ledger-based blockchain technology.
Different types of smart contract taxonomies or typologies are distinguished. These include static and dynamic, smart contract code and contract, strong and weak contracts, internal and external, and integrated and non-integrated, depending upon whether the contract is solely written in code. An integrated model may only use computer code, while a non-integrated model would use natural language. Contracts may also be distinguished depending on whether they allow for code conclusion or the program entering into new contracts or only performance.
3. Biotechnology and Cryptography Nanotechnology
Biotechnology is concerned with the study and use of living organisms and systems for productive or other social purposes or functions. Biotechnology is applied biological science and bioengineering and is of particular use and value in the security and cryptography areas. Hungarian agricultural engineer Karoly Ereky (1878-1952) referred to biotechnology in 1919 as “all lines of work by which products are produced from raw materials with the aid of living things.” Bioengineering focuses on human health and medicinal applications. Biotechnology dates from ancient times and was originally concerned with the domestication of farm animals and arable management. Modern biotechnology uses cellular and biomolecular technology to develop new products and processes, as well as a number of tools, including DNA sequencing, recombinant DNA, DNA synthesis, and genome editing, to control biological processes. These are then used in healthcare and medicinal applications, agriculture and crop production, other manufacturing processes, and environmental management. Biotechnology can be considered to heal, feed, build, fuel and save the world. The parallel field of philosophy of biology considers the philosophy of science, debates within biology, and biology relevant applications. A number of separate issues arise with regard to biotechnology ethics or bioethics.
4. Biotechnology and Cryptography Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology (NanoTech) or molecular nanotechnology refers to the development of technology at the atomic and molecular, including supramolecular, levels for manufacturing and production purposes. While biotechnology uses living organisms, nanotechnology develops inorganic and manmade materials. Nanotech, or nanoscale technologies, attempts to manage and manipulate matter between one and 100 nanometers, or one billionth of a meter (0.000000001 m). Nanotechnology is essentially concerned with the creation, separation, combination, consolidation, deformation, or destruction of materials at the atomic or molecular level. The manipulation of atoms was referred to by American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988) in 1959, with nanotechnology first being referred to by Japanese scientist Norio Taniguchi in 1974. Nanotech was further developed by American engineer K Eric Drexler. Scanning tunneling microscopes (STMs), which produce surface images at the atomic level, were created in 1981, with ten nm multigate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) being produced in 1987. Nanotechnology operates through either original molecular assembly (bottom-up) or molecular deconstruction (top-down), with new fields arising in the areas of nanoelectronics, nanomechanics, nanoionics, and nanophotonics.
5. Applied Robotics and Cybernetics
Robotics is generally concerned with the use of programmable or autonomous machines or mechanisms that can carry out physical functions, generally using sensors and actuators. This may include an automaton, or automata, mechanical devices intended to imitate humans or human functions. Robotics falls within cybernetics, which is concerned with control systems. Robots can be used for agricultural, industrial, construction, domestic, and military purposes, as well as human collaboration (cobots) and in nanotechnology (nanobots). Roboethics is concerned with the design, manufacture, use, transfer, and destruction of robots, with robot rights involving possible issues of identity and liability.
6. Machine Reading, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
Machine reading is concerned with the development of systems to allow machines to receive, comprehend, and process language instructions, including Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP involves the construction of syntax and taxonomies that machines can accept and process. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom has, for example, been working on the development of programmes that allow machines to follow rules and then respond automatically to any change in the rules imposed. Machine learning is concerned with recursion and the ability of programmes to evolve over time. In the United Kingdom, machine learning has been referred by the Bank of England and FCA in the United Kingdom as involving “the development of models for prediction and pattern recognition from data with limited human intervention.” Machine learning has a wide possible range of applications in the area of financial services and elsewhere because it can analyse large data sets, detect patterns, and solve problems at speed, especially when combined with increased computational power. The FCA has been developing a separate programme with the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) on Digital Regulatory Reporting (DRR) to assist “financial regulatory reporting more efficient[ly] and effective[ly]”. “Machine intelligence” can be understood to refer to the stage beyond machine reading and machine learning where programmes develop a general cognitive ability and approach artificial general intelligence (AGI). The Bank of England and FCA established an Artificial Intelligence Public-Private Forum (AIPPF) in October 2020 to promote dialogue between the public and private sectors to understand better the use and impact of AI in financial services and support the Bank’s objective of promoting the safe adoption of the technology. The AIPPF produced a final report in February 2022.
AI studies are considered to have begun with the examination of formal reasoning by ancient Greek, Chinese, and Indian scholars, later followed by the creation of calculating machines such as the Analytical Engine, designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage in 1837. Modern AI study began in 1956 with a workshop at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. A number of advances were made during the 1960s and later in the 1980s, although there were two periods of underinvestment, referred to as the “AI Winter,” around 1974-1980 and 1987-1993. AI study recovered again during the late 1990s with increased hardware and software capability, increased inter-disciplinary interest, and a focus on more specific, useable solutions. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) summarises more recent drivers of interest in the use of AI in the FinTech area in terms of supply-side factors such as improved technology and infrastructure in data supply and demand-side factors such as profitability, competition, and regulatory demand, especially in terms of prudential regulations and data reporting, anti-money laundering, best execution, and other obligations.
AI generally operates through the use of algorithms, which are either simple or more complex overlapping structured computer program instructions. A number of specific objectives can be identified, including symbolic, sub-symbolic, connectionism, statistical learning, and integrated approaches. A number of challenges can be identified, including with regard to knowledge representation, prediction, automated enhancement, perception, NLP, and collective, group, or social intelligence. Particular tools are used, such as search optimisation, formal logic, probability, classification, and neural networks. Additional issues arise in terms of machine intelligence, ethics, sentience, applied robotics, and transhumanism. As financial institutions have increasingly adopted machine learning techniques, authorities have begun to examine the regulatory issues that may arise.
The European Union has proposed new regulations on AI, as well as a supporting updated Framework Plan and separate revised measure on Machinery Products Regulation.