The International Law Section works with other ABA entities and bar associations and international legal organizations to facilitate programming, publications, policy initiatives, and projects. The Section's Liaison Officer and a team of liaisons collaborate and exchange information among a global network on international legal professionals.
Liaisons to ABA Entities
- Antitrust Law Section
- Business Law Section
- Center for Human Rights
- Civil Rights and Social Justice Section
- Commission on Immigration
- Commission on Women in the Profession
- Criminal Justice Section
- Dispute Resolution Section
- Environment, Energy and Resources Section
- Family Law Section
- Health Law Section
- Intellectual Property Law Section
- Judicial Division
- Labor and Employment Law Section
- Litigation Section
- Science and Technology Section
- Young Lawyers Division
Liaisons to Outside Entities
- American Society of International Law
- Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa
- Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA)
- Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists
- Barcelona Bar Association
- Barra Mexicana de Abogados
- Beverly Hills Bar Association
- California Arbitration
- California Lawyer's Assocation
- Canadian Bar Association
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
- Consejo General de la Abogacía Española
- Consiglio Nazonale Forense
- Croatia Bar Association
- European Public Law Association
- Ghana Bar Association
- Hague Conference on Private International Law
- Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México
- Institute for Energy Law at The Center for American and International Law
- International Association of Korean Lawyers
- International Association of Women Judges
- International Federation of Women Lawyers
- Inter-Pacific Bar Association
- Israel Bar Association
- Japan Federation of Bar Associations
- Korean Bar Association - International Committee
- La Paz Bolivia Bar Association
- Law Society of England and Wales
- Law Society of Singapore
- Madrid Bar Association
- New York City Bar Association
- New York State Bar Association - International Law Committee
- Paris Bar Association
- U.S. Department of State Advisory Committee on Public International Law
- Washington State Bar Association