The International Court and Judicial Affairs Committee focuses on substantive and procedural aspects of international courts, tribunals, and the judiciary at large. It informs the legal community and public about notable cases, judgments, and changes affecting international rules of procedure, evidence and conduct. The committee facilitates inter-jurisdictional collaboration between judges, and coordinates with the Judicial Division to review and develop ABA policy.
International Courts & Judicial Affairs Committee
Examining international courts and tribunals, and their rules of procedure, evidence and conduct.
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The International Courts and Judicial Affairs Committee welcomes participation. If you would like to get involved in the Committee — whether by publishing or writing articles for a committee newsletter; organizing in-person conference panels or presenting (in) a webinar on an emerging topic or enduring challenge; launching a special project; hosting in-person or online socials; or being active in any other way — please get in touch with us.
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