Are you a new lawyer focusing on trademark, copyright, or patents? We're here to help. Check out the resources and opportunites ABA-IPL offers to give you a head start with the fundamental tools you'll need.
Resources for New Intellectual Property Lawyers
Get the resources and CLE you need to kickstart your career by joining the ABA and Section of Intellectual Property Law.
Young Lawyers Action Group (YLAG)
YLAG is a Section-only young lawyer community providing opportunities to network with new and seasoned attorneys, develop skills in intellectual property law, engage in leadership roles, write for committee newsletters and Landslide® magazine, and manage webinars and programming.
ABA-IPL Section Mentoring Program
This program promotes inclusivity in the Section and ensures that the next generation of lawyers have the skills and opportunities they need to thrive and flourish in the profession, by providing a formal vehicle through which more of our members can access mentors.
Young Lawyer Fellows Program
The Young Lawyer Fellows Program was created to develop future participation and leadership within the Section. Fellows participate in the meetings of the Section, and involve themselves in committee activities of the Section.
Incorporating AI: A Road Map for Legal and Ethical Compliance
With the potential to revolutionize industries and reshape consumer interactions, AI is becoming increasingly integral to corporate strategies.
Ugly Legal Writing
With its in-text citations, parenthetically defined terms, all-caps headings, and typographical flaws, legal writing could use a revamp.
Social Media Marketing Tips for Attorneys
How to plan for success with the 10 steps of Integrated Marketing, setting day-to-day practices, and creating content within the compliance framework and ethics of competence, confidentiality, and advertising.
Insights into the Two Most Popular Types of PTAB Proceedings: Appeals and Inter Partes Reviews
Speakers discuss data-driven, thoughtful, and specific insights for the two most-employed proceedings at the PTAB appeals and inter partes reviews.
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Join the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law today for $105 + ABA Membership. Law Students can join for free.
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