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September/October 2024: Food|Drugs

Perspective: New ABA-IPL Year

Susan E McGahan


  • Section committees, divisions, and task forces provide valuable input to government agencies through advocacy letters and comments.
  • The Section collaborates on initiatives with other ABA entities and IP organizations.
  • ABA-IPL is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion through its action groups and partner internship and fellowship programs.
  • The Section offers a wealth of expert content, educational programs, and practice resources aimed at furthering the IP profession.
Perspective: New ABA-IPL Year
DonLand via Getty Images

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I am delighted and honored to greet you as I assume the role of chair of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL).

ABA-IPL has a long and remarkable history of contribution to intellectual property (IP) law since its founding as the first substantive section of the American Bar Association in 1894. When I became a member exactly 100 years later, IP was advancing at the forefront of world importance, and it has never been more critical than it is today. With generative artificial intelligence (AI) here to stay, this will be an exciting year on issues relating to ownership and liability of AI inputs, outputs, and tools, and the use of these tools as IP legal resources.

Thanks to the distinguished leadership of past chair Steve Caltrider, the Section realized great achievements this association year marked by dynamic engagement, significant advocacy efforts, and valuable contributions to the IP field. Essential to this success was the tireless work by ABA-IPL’s divisions, committees, action groups, task forces, and boards.

Advocacy Highlights

In working to help shape IP law, the Section provided valuable input to government agencies. Legislative consultant Chris Katopis headed a collaborative effort with many of the committees and leaders as they participated in drafting and/or presenting notable advocacy letters and comments.

For more on the Section’s advocacy initiatives, visit our advocacy initiatives page.

Outreach and Collaboration

We regularly collaborate with our colleagues in other IP organizations, resulting in fruitful initiatives.

  • Asia/Pacific Conference in South Korea, cosponsored with the ABA International Law Section
  • ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting in Bethesda, cosponsored with the ABA Science & Technology Law Section and fostering global dialogue on law and technology
  • Long-standing cosponsorship with both the IP & Ski Conference and the Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property & Technology Law Institute

Membership Growth and Diversity

The Membership Board continues to strengthen ABA-IPL’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • As the Section’s first diversity officer, Nicole Galli is leading new diversity and communication efforts that include supporting five action groups (Law Students, Young Lawyers, International Associates, Women in IP Law, and Diversity).
  • ABA-IPL champions the Judicial Intern Opportunity Program and the Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law (FADIPL) and hosts FADIPL scholars at our Section Annual Meeting.
  • This is the 19th year of developing leadership through the Young Lawyer Fellows Program. We are proud to have witnessed one of our Section’s first young lawyer fellows, Kim Jessum, become chair of our Section and now chair of the ABA Section Officers conference.

Education and Value

The ABA-IPL Section offers a wealth of expert content, educational opportunities, and practice resources aimed at furthering the IP profession.

  • Landslide® magazine continues in its 17th year as the Section’s high-profile magazine, a complimentary benefit for all ABA-IPL members. With this issue, Landslide is coming to you in an expanded digital-only format.
  • Our robust books portfolio features more than 70 books in both print and e-book formats on topics covering the range of IP and authored by the experts in the profession. Check out our portfolio on the ABA-IPL Books page and take advantage of member discounts.

As a premier source for IP law education, the Section produces educational programs that address the whole IP spectrum. Highlights of the past year included:

  • September 2023: 7th Annual IP Fall Institute (virtual CLE program); and 11th Annual ABA-IPL Trademark Days, cosponsored with the USPTO (virtual/live program)
  • December 2023: Copyright Day, developed by the Section’s Copyright Office Affairs Committee, where Section leaders engaged in discussion with top officials in the U.S. Copyright Office
  • February–March 2024: Inaugural virtual eight-session series, “ABA-IPL Solutions for IP Legal Professionals,” addressing essential topics for IP professionals

Be sure to join us for these new programs coming soon in the fall:

  • October 14–15, 2024: Artificial Intelligence & Robotics National Institute at Santa Clara University School of Law, cohosted with the ABA Science & Technology Law Section
  • November 14–16, 2024: In-person three-day event in Las Vegas, cosponsored with the ABA Forum on the Entertainment & Sports Industries

Join Us

Thank you for your membership and dedication to the ABA-IPL Section. Please continue to participate with us to build on these successes as we grow our profession and offer new opportunities for you and your practice. If anyone has an interest in participating in Section activities, please email me.

I look forward to connecting with many of you during the year!


©2024. Published in Landslide, Vol. 17, No. 1, September/October 2024, by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association or the copyright holder.
