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ABA-IPL eNews May 2024


  • The Chair’s Town Hall: Building a Better Patent System is a series of six CLE webinars that address the most vexing issues confronting the patent system today.
  • ABA-IPL Action Groups, such as Women in IP Law Action Group and the Law Student Action Group, provide immediate networking and leadership opportunities.
  • New Section publications include “Section 337 Investigations Before the U.S. International Trade Commission.”
ABA-IPL eNews May 2024
Aaron Alvarez via Getty Images

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events!

ABA Annual Meeting - ABA-IPL Events

August 1-2, 2024

The ABA-IPL Section will participate in the ABA Annual Meeting in August in Chicago. Section events will take place July 31 – August 2, at the law firm of Sidley & Austin. Section CLE programming will take place on Thursday, August 1.

Topics will include:

  • Do Not Cross: Use of ITC to Ban Importation of Products Infringing US Patents
  • Taking a Deep Dive – Impact of New MRPC 1.16 & Corporate Transparency Act on IP Practitioners
  • Is Imitation The Sincerest Form of Flattery? The Rise of Dupe Culture and Deep Fakes in This AI Revolution

In addition to the CLE programs, the Section Officers and Council will meet. The annual Business Session with Elections will also be held on Friday, August 2 at 3:30-4:00 pm CT. A list of nominated candidates can be found below in this eNews.

Artificial Intelligence & Robotics National Institute

October 14-15, 2024

The 2024 Artificial intelligence & Robotics National Institute will return to Santa Clara University School of Law. This year’s event will be co-hosted by the ABA-IPL Section and the ABA Section of Science & Technology Law.

Fall joint seminar with Entertainment and Sports Industries Forum

November 14-16, 2024

This November, the ABA-IPL Section will be joining the ABA Entertainment and Sports Industries Forum to present a joint seminar on issues of importance regarding entertainment, sports and IP law. The program will be held at Resorts World in Las Vegas from November 14-16, 2024. The program will run over the course of three days and topics will include a wide range of current issues in these fields. The meeting will include plenary sessions featuring key speakers within the fields, as well as engaging luncheon speakers. Special “behind the scenes” tours are also being planned.

A block of rooms has been set aside for attendees at this meeting at the Hilton Las Vegas at Resorts World. Room rates are: $164 on the nights of Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14; $284 on Friday, November 15; and $364 on Saturday, November 16 (inclusive of $45 resort fee). Hotel reservations can be made in advance here. Program sessions will begin the morning of Thursday, November 14 and run through Saturday, November 16, mid-afternoon.

ABA-IPL Continues the Chair’s Town Hall: Building a Better Patent System Webinar Series

ABA-IPL is pleased to present The Chair’s Town Hall: Building a Better Patent System, a series of six  CLE webinars. Each 90-minute CLE program will be followed by a half-hour interactive exchange among panel members and the audience.

The goal of the series is to address the most vexing issues confronting the patent system today.  This undertaking will involve bringing together thought leaders and interested members of the public to build consensus and ultimately propose concrete solutions to improve the patent system.  All are encouraged to register and add their voices to the discussion.

View a schedule of the planned sessions and registration information on our website.

Register for each session individually.  ABA-IPL Section members register at no charge. General attendance costs $100 for each program.

Contact [email protected] with any questions. 

Copyright and Social Media Committee to host discussion on deepfakes May 16

On May 16, 12:00 pm ET, the Copyright and Social Media Committee will be hosting a call with Mississippi State Senator Jeremy England to discuss SB 2577, a measure he introduced to provide criminal penalties for certain using Deep Fakes to injure candidates for office, influence the results of an election, or deter any person from voting. The Bill has been making its way through the legislature and has passed both the House and Senate in different amended formats. The Bill will now go to conference to determine if the House and Senate can agree on the same language. Senator England will discuss his motivations in introducing the bill, the process for getting the bill passed, and concerns that have been raised regarding First Amendment implications. The meeting will take place via Zoom at Noon Eastern. Please join us.

May 16, 2024; 12:00 pm ET

For more information or to join the committee, visit the Copyright and Social Media Committee web page.

ADR Committee explores proposed EU legislation relating to licensing SEPs

With the addition of new leadership, (David Long and Michael Atlass), this committee in the ABA-IPL Section has initiated an effort to seek a public position from the Section regarding the significant legislation proposed by the European Commission related to licensing Standards Essential Patents as it was seen as a new form of ADR by the ADR Committee. The committee did an initial comparison of the provisions to more well-known ADR in a proposal (with guidance from Christina Frangiosa), but received significant negative reactions to this proposal, specifically that the position was very controversial and would not be supported as a Section position.  With the help of a suggestion from Thad Chaloemtiarana, and support from the Section Council, the committee undertook to create a series of webinars for CLE credit instead, believing that education on this topic was a subject worthy of pursuit.

While still in process, the committee planned two webinars for April 30 and May 8. A third webinar, still in the planning stages, will be forthcoming. The webinars cover three aspects of the EU SEP regulations.

The first webinar was a panel moderated by a policy leader from the USPTO that describes how the regulation may fit into ADR and ordinary dispute resolution in the SEP licensing space. The second described the status and detail of the regulation. The third will cover how attorneys might deal with issues affecting their clients if and when it is actually implemented.

(The status of the EU regulation has progressed from an approval vote in Parliament and is expected to be taken up by the Member State Council after elections, and thence to the Trilogue for final adjustments. The process timeline expectation is to be completed and the regulations in force within 4 years at the outside, assuming it is finally accepted).

For more information or to join the committee, visit the ADR Committee web page.

22nd Annual Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property Institute set for May 30-31

The 22nd Annual Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property Institute, sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association, is set for May 30-31, 2024 in Westminster, CO. The Institute brings together intellectual property professionals from across the US and beyond. This year, panels will discuss how the state of global regulation is impacting patent practice, and how those same regulatory bodies might affect AI innovation. Additionally, there will be an examination into how AI is changing the way that creative content is made, as well as how it affects the practice of law. The Institute will also include ethics presentations and breakout tracks focused on different IP areas of practice. The event will be valuable for anyone interested in patents, IP law, or emerging technologies.

The event is organized into four tracks: Patents/Patent Litigation, Trademarks/Copyrights, Tech Transactions and Licensing, and In- House practice, and features local, national, and international IP experts. CLE credit will be available.

For more information, and to register, visit the Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property Institute website.

Nominating Committee Announces Nominees for 2024-2025 ABA year

June Besek, Chair of the Section’s Nominating Committee, reports that the committee has selected the nominees for elective officer and council positions for the 2024-2025 Association year.

Chair-Elect: Robert Lytle, Redmond, WA. Mr. Lytle is the current Vice Chair of the Section. Prior to becoming Vice Chair, he served as Revenue Officer for one year, as Financial Officer for two years, and as Financial Officer-Elect for one year. He served as a vice-chair of the Patents Division. He has served on the Books Editorial Board for eight years, the Revenue Committee for four years, and the Investments Committee for four years. He was co-chair of the Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee for two years. He has served on the Policy Development Advisory Committee for two years, and has served on the In-House Counsel Task Force and the AIA Task Force.

Vice Chair: Joshua Simmons, New York, NY. Mr. Simmons has served as Section Secretary for three years. He has also served as the Chair of the Policy Advisory and Development Committee for two years. He is also the current chair of the House of Delegates Resolutions Committee and has served as a member of that committee for three years. He has chaired the Copyright Law Reform Task Force for five years. He served as a member of the Section Council for four years. He was both Chair and Vice Chair of the Copyrights Division. He served as Chair and Vice Chair of the Copyright and Social Media Committee. He currently serves as a member of the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Task Force.

Secretary: Paul Morico, Houston, TX. Mr. Morico has served as the Financial Officer for two years, and served as the Financial Officer-Elect for a year prior to becoming Financial Officer. Prior to becoming the Financial Officer-Elect, he served as Chair of the Patents Division for two years, as Vice-Chair for two years prior to that, and as Special Advisor to the Patents Division for two years before that. He has been a member of the Continuing Legal Education Board since 2010. He has served as Chair and Vice Chair of the Patent Litigation Committee. He has served on the Investments Committee and the Revenue Committee, and was a member of the Section 101 Task Force for four years.

Revenue Officer: Tammy Pennington Rhodes, Houston, TX. Ms. Rhodes is the current Revenue Officer. She served as a member of the Section Revenue Committee for five years. She has also served as a member of the CLE Board for eight years. She served as Chair of the International Patent Laws Committee, and served as Chair of the USPTO Ex Parte Patent Practice and Policy Committee for two years. She served as Vice Chair of the Patent Litigation Committee for two years and Chair of the High Tech and Software Patent Committee.

Publications Officer: Adrienne Fields, New York, NY. Ms. Fields is the current Publications Officer for the Section. She previously served as Vice Chair of the Content Advisory Board for two years. She has been a member of the Content Advisory Board for ten years. She has served as a member of the Magazine Editorial Board for 14 years, and was Editor-in-Chief, Vice Chair and Intake Editor of that Board. She also served as a member of the former Annual Review Editorial Board for two years. She served as Chair of the Standing International IP Task Force for one year.

Continuing Legal Education Officer: Christopher Ponder, Palo Alto, CA. Mr. Ponder has been the Vice Chair of the CLE Board for two years. He served as a member of the CLE Board for six years prior to that. He has been a member of the Revenue Committee for five years. He served as a member of the Membership Board for five years. He also served as a member of the AIA Task Force for one year.

Membership Officer: Rivka Monheit, Atlanta, GA. Ms. Monheit was elected as Membership Officer in January of this year to fill the balance of the term left by the departure of former Membership Officer Sharon Israel. She had been serving as the Vice Chair of the Membership Board, and served as a member of the Membership Board for three years prior to that. She served a four-year term as a member of the Section Council. She was Chair of the International Patent Treaties and Laws Committee for two years, Chair of the Patent Legislation Committee for two years, and Vice Chair of that committee for two years. She has served as a member of the Patent Section 101 Task Force for five years. She has also served as a member of the In-House Counsel Task Force and the Standing International IP Task Force.

Diversity Officer: Nicole D. Galli, Philadelphia, PA. Ms. Galli was elected last year as the first Diversity Officer of the Section, after that new Officer position was created by the Section in 2022. She served as Liaison to the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession for two years. She served as a member of the Section’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force and as a member of the In-House Counsel Task Force. She was the CLE Officer for the Section for two years and served on the CLE Board for five additional years. She has served as the Liaison to the LES Supply Chain Committee. She was chair of the former CLE Teleconference Committee for one year. She has also served on the Section Membership Board.

Section Delegate to the ABA House of Delegates: (for a three-year term expiring in 2027)

William LaFuze, Houston, TX. Mr. LaFuze is a current Section Delegate to the ABA House of Delegates, with a term expiring in 2024. He has served as a Delegate since 2014. He is a Past Chair of the Section, and has served as its Chair-Elect and Vice Chair. He served four years as a member of the Section Council. Mr. LaFuze has chaired the Patents Division, Information Technology Division and the Litigation, ADR, and Related Issues Division, as well as numerous committees within the Section over the past 35+ years including the Amicus Briefs Committee. He also served as a Trustee of the Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law (FADIPL).

At-Large Council Members: (for a four-year term, ending in 2028)

Jonathan Bowser, Washington, DC. Mr. Bowser has served as Chair of the Patents Division for a year. He was Vice Chair for two years prior to that. He has served as a member of the Patent Section 101 Task Force for five years and as a member of the Policy Development Advisory Committee for two years. He was Chair of the USPTO Post Grant Patent Practice and Policy Committee for two years, and Vice Chair of that Committee for one year. He has served on the Section Nominating Committee and the AIA Task Force.

Keith Kupferschmid, Washington, DC. Mr. Kupferschmid serves as Co-Chair of the Copyright Office Affairs Committee. He was Chair of the Copyright Legislation Committee for two years, and Vice Chair of that committee for a year prior to that. He has served as the Section Liaison to the Copyright Alliance for six years. He has been a member of the Copyright Law Reform Task Force for five years and currently also serves as a member of the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Task Force.

Eric Perrott, Washington, DC. Mr. Perrott has served as the Chair of the Trademarks Division for two years, and as Vice Chair for two years prior to that. He has served on the Revenue Committee for five years and the Membership Board for four years. He was Chair of the USPTO Trademark Practice and Policy Committee for a year, and Chair of the USPTO Operations Relating to Trademarks Committee for two years. He has been a Liaison to the IP Associations on TM Issues for five years. He served on the Trademark Modernization Act Task Force for two years. He has been a member of the Nominating Committee and currently serves on the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Task Force. He was a Young Lawyer Fellow of the Section for three years.

S. Christian Platt, San Diego, CA. Mr. Platt currently serves as Vice Chair of the High Tech and Software Patent Committee. He was Chair of the USPTO Post-Grant Committee for two years. He served as Chair of the Patent Litigation Committee for two years and Vice Chair of that Committee for two years, where he co-chaired the Subcommittee on Damages.

Young Lawyer Council Member: (for a one-year term expiring in 2025)

Caleb Green, Las Vegas, NV. Mr. Green has been Chair of the Young Lawyers Action Group for two years. He served as Chair of the Law Student Action Group for three years. He was a Young Lawyer Fellow of the Section for two years and currently serves as Chair of the Young Lawyer Fellows Advisory Committee. He served on the Membership Board for three years and the CLE Board for one year.

Section Chair: According to Section bylaws, Susan McGahan, Bedminster, NJ, current Chair-Elect, automatically assumes the office of Chair for 2024-2025. Ms. McGahan previously served as Vice Chair of the Section. She served as the Revenue Officer for the Section for three years. Prior to that she was Vice Chair of the Revenue Committee and served as a member of that committee (formerly the Sponsorship Committee) for five years. She served as Secretary of the Section for two years, Membership Officer for four years, and Financial Officer for three years. She was a member of the Section Council for six years. She has also been a member of the CLE Board, the Membership Board, the FADIPL Board of Trustees, the Content Advisory Board, the Nominating Committee, the former Newsletter Committee, and the In-House Counsel Committee. She has chaired the Professional Issues Division, the former Publications Division, the former Membership Committee, and the former Young Lawyers Committee.

Financial Officer: According to Section bylaws, Richard Stockton, Chicago, IL, current Financial Officer-Elect, automatically moves to the position of Financial Officer for a term of two years. Mr. Stockton served as Vice Chair of the Patents Division for two years. He was Chair of the Standing International IP Task Force for two years, and served as Vice Chair for two years. He was Vice Chair of the Patent System Policy Planning Committee for two years, Chair of the Patent Litigation Committee for two years, and Vice chair of the Patent Litigation Committee for four years.

The Section’s Nominating Committee, appointed by Section Chair Steve Caltrider, is composed of:

June M. Besek, New York NY, Chair
Kim Jessum, Philadelphia, PA
Joseph Falcon, Malvern, PA
Tracy Kepler, Chicago, IL
Phil Swain, Boston, MA

Additional nominations for this new position or for any position may be made by petition signed by not less than 100 members of the Section, listed by their ABA ID number. The 100 names must be representative of at least three states and must indicate that the individual has agreed to the nomination. The petition must be sent to the Chair and the Secretary of the Section and must be received by these individuals not less than four months before the elections held at the Annual Meeting. The Business Session with Elections will be held in Chicago on Friday, August 2, 2024.

All section members are invited to register and attend the ABA Annual Meeting and Section events.

ABA-IPL Webinars

All IPL Section webinars are free to Section members through August 31, 2024.

Register and participate to take advantage of this valuable member benefit.

ABA-IPL provides compelling CLE-accredited webinars that cover a broad range of IP issues. Mark your calendars for these upcoming webinars. Watch the events page on the Section website for information on all upcoming programs and events, and to register. As a special benefit of membership in the ABA-IPL Section, members are able to participate in all ABA-IPL Section webinars for free during the current Association year.

The Role of Consumer Surveys in IP Litigation

June 6, 2024 - 12 PM EDT

Consumer surveys are one of the most powerful tools available in intellectual property litigation. Despite widespread use, however, many attorneys are largely unfamiliar with the basics of consumer surveys and how they can be used effectively in intellectual property matters.

Outside Counsel Guidelines for Wellbeing

June 20, 2024 - 10 AM EDT

A client driven charter and outside counsel guidelines are the new trend in attorney well-being. The intention of the Mindful Business Charter and Outside Counsel Guidelines for Wellbeing is to remove unnecessary sources of stress and promote better mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. The charter and the guidelines are intended to help clients and their outside counsel interact with well-being in mind and include topics such as smart meetings and communication, respecting rest periods and mindful delegation. Learn how to join the Mindful Business Charter and be ready to implement the Outside Counsel Guidelines.

FADIPL Scholars fêted at recent ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting

At the recent ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting in Rockville, MD, 8 recipients of the Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law Sidney B. Williams Scholarship were invited to participate in the conference and were presented at a conference luncheon. Find out more about these scholars’ impressive backgrounds

The Section proudly supports the Foundation’s mission to offer career-preparation, career-readiness, and career-advancement support to individuals who identify as members of racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in intellectual property law profession in the United States. 

Donate to the Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law

ABA-IPL Section members are encouraged to donate to the Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law (“the Foundation”, or “FADIPL”) to help support its mission.

The Foundation’s mission is to offer career-preparation, career-readiness, and career-advancement support to individuals who identify as members of racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in intellectual property law profession in the United States.

The Foundation’s Programs work toward:

  • Recruiting individuals who identify as members of  racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the IP law profession to consider exploring careers in patent law and other areas of IP law.
  • Providing career-preparation and career-readiness support, as well as financial support, to individuals identified as members of racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the IP law profession who demonstrate an interest in a career in IP law.
  • Accelerating the development of a more diverse IP professional community through networking, counseling, and mentoring efforts aimed at fostering career advancement of individuals identifying as members of racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the IP law profession in the United States.

Individuals interested in donating can visit the FADIPL support page.

Donate to the Judicial Intern Opportunity Program (JIOP)

Your donation to the Judicial Internship Opportunity Program (JIOP) helps ensure that funding is available for students who are members of racial and ethnic groups, and others that are traditionally underrepresented in the profession, including students with disabilities, students who are economically disadvantaged, students who identify as LGBT, women, and veterans.

The JIOP IP program continues to grow with 28 judges requesting students with background or interest in intellectual property law. 130 of the 770 applicants showed interest with 58 of those students attaching additional background and statements supporting their experience. We placed a total of 32 IP students.

All ABA-IPL Section members are encouraged to show their support and donate to the Judicial Internship Opportunity Program.

Friends of ABA-IPL

The ABA-IPL seeks to advance the goals of its members by sharing knowledge and balanced insight on the full spectrum of intellectual property law and practice. We are able to engage in this undertaking because of the tremendous contributions of our membership. In addition to countless hours devoted to Section projects by our volunteers, we are also extremely fortunate to have benefited from generous financial support. ABA-IPL recognizes that many of our supporters wish to support the Section in whatever way they can, and therefore, we developed the “Friend of the ABA-IPL Section” tiered support options in the amounts of $250 - $1000 for firms with fewer than 25 attorneys. Complete this brief form if you are interested in on this exciting opportunity!

Stay Connected…

ABA-IPL Action Groups

Access leadership opportunities and amplify your voice by joining and becoming involved in one of the ABA-IPL Section Action Groups. Engage with your peers in one or more Action Groups for immediate networking and leadership opportunities.

Section Action Groups include:

Join a Section Committee

All Section members are encouraged to review the committees and select and join those on which they wish to serve, and which are of interest to them. If you are already a member of one of the existing committees, you are carried over as a member in the next association year.

Patents Division

Trademarks Division

Copyrights Division

Specialized IP Law Division

Professional Issues Division

Business and Trade Division

Topic Suggestions?

We welcome your feedback on topics you would like to see covered in E-News. Please email Mike Winkler at [email protected] with your suggestions.  

New From ABA-IPL Publishing

ABA Bestseller

Now Available from ABA-IPL

ABA membership available for groups

Firm, Company, or Government Group Membership

When your firm or organization chooses to join the American Bar Association, we provide resources for making membership in the ABA easier.

Over 2,000 firms and organizations have already joined the program to enjoy many benefits:

  • Reduce administrative paperwork through a single annual invoice for all members of your organization; say goodbye to individual employee reimbursements!
  • Enjoy dedicated account service from a team of ABA specialists to serve your unique needs

For further information and to enroll your firm or company in the full-firm membership program, check out the special enrollment form.

Promote Yourself as a Proud Member of the ABA

Put your ABA Membership to work by displaying the new ABA Member Logo to signify your commitment to excellence in the practice of law.

As an ABA Member in good standing, you are encouraged to use this distinguished mark in professional activities to set yourself apart from non-member practitioners in the marketplace.

The ABA Member Logo may appear on:

  • Business cards
  • Brochures
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Letterhead
  • Envelopes
  • External and internal communications
  • Webpages
  • Social media
  • Print advertising
  • Email signatures

Start Using the New ABA Member Logo Today!

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By phone: ABA Member Services at 1.800.285.2221 between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., CST

By USPS: ABA Membership Services, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654-7598

By e-mail: [email protected]. or go to ABA "contact us” link.

Online: (1) Go to the ABA homepage (, (2) Login, (3) Locate MyABA link (top left of the page), (4) EDIT within the profile module, and (5) update email address .