- Newsletter regarding the latest events articles and reports within the IPL section.
- Awards and member recognition
- Publicized events
Mark your calendars, and register for IPLSPRING, April 30-May 2, 2025. Watch the Section website for complete information as it becomes available.
At IPLSPRING, you can learn the latest developments in intellectual property law. The conference will provide two full days of CLE programming, networking events, business meetings, attorney wellness activity, and more!
The conference will also feature a special plenary. In addition to the outstanding and comprehensive array of educational programs, the conference will feature luncheons with informative guest speakers. The Mark T. Banner Award will be presented at the luncheon on Thursday, May 1.
Sponsors are invited to participate in the conference. Maximize the advantages of sponsorship by signing up now to be included in IPLSPRING marketing and publicity outreach. For more information, contact Christopher Meacham, at [email protected].
The ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law is proud to announce the 2025 Mark T. Banner Award Honoree:
Horacio E. Gutierrez, Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Legal, and Chief Compliance Officer of The Walt Disney Company, will be the recipient of the 2025 ABA IPL Mark T. Banner Award. This prestigious accolade will be presented during our 2025 ABA IPL Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., from April 30 to May 2, 2025 and will recognize Mr. Gutierrez for all his contributions to the legal field, including being named one of the "Top 50 Most Powerful Latino Leaders" and a leading in-house lawyer by various legal publications.
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel
Arlington, VA
The Mark T. Banner Award, established in honor of the late Mark T. Banner, former ABA-IPL Section Chair, is presented to an individual or individuals who have made an impact on IP law and/or practice. Winners of this award have expressed a clear passion and enthusiasm for, and advanced the practice, profession and/or substance of IP law through extraordinary contributions to, among, other things, teaching, scholarship, innovation, legislation, advocacy, bar or other association activities, or the judiciary. Learn more about the Mark T. Banner Award.
The Judicial Intern Opportunity Program (JIOP) is a summer internship program open to all first- and second-year underrepresented law students. Selected students intern for six weeks or more during the summer with a participating state or federal judge. The program offers a $2,000 award to each selected student. Students can also elect law school credit.
We began accepting Summer 2025 applications for all students on November 4, 2024. The deadline for applying is January 10, 2025. Last year, we offered internships to 171 law students representing 68 different law schools in locations throughout the country. Our goal is to place 160 students during Summer 2025.
Please see our program information, including a program description and frequently asked questions for more details. The program application and detailed program information is available on the JIOP website. Applications are only accepted electronically through the JIOP website. Contact JIOP Program Director Gail Howard with additional questions.
Sign Up to Screen Judicial Intern Opportunity Program Applicants
The Judicial Intern Opportunity Program (JIOP) provides opportunities to students who are members of groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession, including students from minority racial and ethnic groups, students with disabilities, veterans, students who are economically disadvantaged, students who identify as LGBTQ+, women, and others. JIOP is seeking attorneys to volunteer their time to conduct initial screening interviews for its 2025 program. Volunteers play a critical role in the screening process and assist in identifying the best candidates for judicial consideration. Interviews take place either in-person or virtually from December through February. Sign up now!
Your donation to the Judicial Internship Opportunity Program (JIOP) helps ensure that funding is available for students who are members of racial and ethnic groups, and others that are traditionally underrepresented in the profession, including students with disabilities, students who are economically disadvantaged, students who identify as LGBT, women, and veterans.
Last year, more than 770 students applied to the program. JIOP placed 186 students with 139 judges. Students placed represented 79 different law schools. The JIOP IP program continues to grow with 28 judges requesting students with background or interest in intellectual property law. 130 of the 770 applicants showed interest with 58 of those students attaching additional background and statements supporting their experience. We placed a total of 32 IP students.
All ABA-IPL Section members are encouraged to show their support and donate to the Judicial Internship Opportunity Program.
The ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law is happy to once again co-sponsor the IP CLE Conference, January 8-11, 2025 at the Grand Hyatt, Vail, Colorado. Hear from distinguished intellectual property experts including regulators, judges, and in-house counsel in the morning and late afternoon, and enjoy Vail and the world-class slopes during the day.
Expert presenters will engage in lively discussions about the hottest topics in IP law. In addition, two hours of programming for ethics credit will be offered. Topics will cover the range of IP law, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, AI, in-house perspectives, antitrust and IP, and others.
Participants can earn MCLE credit, make connections, and broaden their knowledge. Visit the IP CLE website for program and registration information, and to register.
Access leadership opportunities and amplify your voice by joining and becoming involved in one of the ABA-IPL Section Action Groups. Engage with your peers in one or more Action Groups for immediate networking and leadership opportunities.
Section Action Groups include:
Discover how Section leaders received more from ABA-IPL membership. The featured testimonies provide insights into how ABA-IPL members strengthened their intellectual property (IP) network and made an impact through ABA-IPL Action Groups and Committees. Each action group and committee has a corresponding community on IPL Connect, where Section members can network and engage in lively discussions. Whether you’re interested in receiving updates on the latest in IP law or getting involved in key IP policy decisions—committee and action group involvement offers opportunities to learn, connect, and/or present.
ABA-IPL Section members are encouraged to donate to the Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law (“the Foundation”, or “FADIPL”) to help support its mission.
The Foundation’s mission is to offer career-preparation, career-readiness, and career-advancement support to individuals who identify as members of racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in intellectual property law profession in the United States.
The Foundation’s Programs work toward:
Individuals interested in donating can visit the FADIPL support page.
Don’t forget to register and check them out.
ABA-IPL provides compelling CLE-accredited webinars that cover a broad range of IP issues. Mark your calendars for these upcoming webinars. Watch the events page on the Section website for information on all upcoming programs and events, and to register. As a special benefit of your membership in the ABA-IPL Section, you are able to participate in all ABA-IPL Section webinars for free.
This presentation will explore the similarities and differences between patent value and patent damages. In particular, we will explore how the three different traditional valuation approaches - Cost, Market, and Income - are implemented differently in a valuation versus damages context. We will also refer to patent damages case law to show how the Federal Circuit and U.S. District Courts have addressed the use of patent value as part of the determination of patent damages.
Kim Jessum, Chair of the Section’s Nominating Committee, reports that the committee has selected the nominees for elective leadership positions for the 2025-2026 Association year.
All Section members are encouraged to review the committees and select and join those on which they wish to serve, and which are of interest to them. If you are already a member of one of the existing committees, you are carried over as a member in the new association year.
Take advantage of an opportunity to participate in developing Section policy and sign up as a voting member of your committee. Voting members will be asked to study the policy issues of the committee and vote on the reports in a timely and responsive manner. Any lawyer member of a committee is welcome to sign up to be a voting member of the committee.
Committee members who choose not to enroll as a voting member can still participate in all other committee activities and receive any committee updates and information.
Details of Committee Voting Membership:
Please remember to notify the ABA if your email address changes by logging in to your myABA page or calling the ABA Member Service Center at (800) 285-2221.
We welcome your feedback on topics you would like to see covered in E-News. Please email Mike Winkler at [email protected] with your suggestions.
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By e-mail: [email protected]. or go to ABA "contact us" link.
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