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2022-2023 ABA-IPL Appointments

An Invitation from the Chair-Elect — a Call for Leadership Recommendations: 

An opportunity to volunteer or nominate others to leadership positions 

I am looking forward to my term as Section Chair in 2022-2023 and the opportunity to work with all members of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law. One of the first—and one of the most important—opportunities that I will have during my tenure as Section Chair is to select individuals to serve as leaders of the Section.

I am writing to invite you to nominate yourself or a colleague within the Section to join the Section’s leadership ranks. The Section has an array of leadership roles that permit our members to become actively involved in the Section’s practice-focused activities, publications, policy-making and other professional education and enrichment activities.

Our leadership positions include committee and board chair and vice-chair roles, and liaisons with other professional entities, both within and outside of the ABA. The work of the Section—and, thus, much of the value of Section membership—comes from volunteering to serve as a member or a leader of one of the Section’s committees or boards.  The Section brings together in a single entity the largest and most influential collection of intellectual property lawyers in the world. Participation in a leadership position will enable you to contribute to the evolution of IP law, to develop lasting relationships with others in the field that can lead to professional engagements, and to gain practice knowledge and insights that are unavailable elsewhere.

Lead and Help Identify Other Leaders

As Section Chair-Elect, I take very seriously my responsibilities to recruit and appoint a new class of leaders to serve during the 2022-2023 Association year. ABA-IPL leadership positions include Division Chairs and Vice Chairs, Committee and Board Chairs and Vice Chairs, and more than two dozen liaisons to other ABA entities. Each year roughly half of these leadership positions are open for appointment. I invite and encourage you to seek appointment yourself or nominate other Section members as committee, board or division level appointments for the 2022-2023 year.  I am considering applications and nominations for appointments now, so please submit your completed form by December 12, 2021.

Get Involved Today - Join a Committee 

For those who are not yet interested in taking on a formal leadership position, we welcome and encourage all members to become active participants in the Section’s committee and board structure. Your insights and enthusiasm can make a profound difference in what we can accomplish for the profession. You are only a click away from volunteering– sign up today to be a member of a committee and choose where you wish to contribute from the roster of our committees. We offer a diverse IP membership and a diversity of opportunities. We have six substantive divisions, each consisting of multiple individual committees.  The only prerequisite for joining a committee is a current ABA and Section membership.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Ayesha Naqeeb ([email protected]).

I appreciate your involvement and commitment to the Section, and I look forward to working with you in 2022-2023. 

Very truly yours, 

Thad Chaloemtiarana, Chair-Elect, ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law

Sign-up for a Committee

(ABA and Section membership are a prerequisite for committee and leadership positions.)

ABA membership enrollment

Section of Intellectual Property Law membership enrollment

(ABA membership is a prerequisite to Section membership)

Find out more about the committees

Volunteer or Make a Recommendation for Committee Leadership

(Please note: You must log in beforehand.)

Committee Chair Appointment Process Time Line:

  • October through December 12, 2021: submit a leadership application or recommendation 
  • January – February 2022: review of candidates by Chair-Elect
  • April - June 2022: Appointments finalized and appointees notified
  • August 4-5, 2022: ABA Annual Meeting-- New Officers, Council, Committee and Division Chairs begin their leadership roles at the conclusion of the ABA Annual Meeting.