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Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. and Gearhart Law LLC.
Session 1
Ethics Avengers of the IP World: Paralegals Assemble! : Navigating the Legal World with Lawyers, One Rule at a Time!
Tuesday, February 20
Passcode: w7vg#anx
Presented By: Emil Ali, McCabe Ali LLP
- Presentation Materials
- The Trademark Administrators' Exchange is a completely free email-based discussion group for paralegals, legal assistants, and other non-attorneys to share resources, ask and answer questions, and support one another.
- The Alt Legal Trademark Paralegal Course is completely free and guides students through specific trademark concepts—from applying to docketing to monitoring and enforcement. It also includes a section on UPL.
- Watch Emil Ali present on trademark ethics.
- Learn more about the ethics and practicality of AI at Alt Legal and Corsearch Live in New York next month. The fee is $50.