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Section of Intellectual Property Law Membership

Join the premier forum on intellectual property law to access content, networking, leadership opportunities, and more.

The Value of Section of Intellectual Property Law Membership

Committees and Action Groups

  • Our substantive committees provide access to valuable resources and networking including in-person and virtual meetings, and interactive community discussions.
  • Our 5 affinity action groups offer unique opportunities to network with peers and engage with section programs and activities in a variety of ways.

Comprehensive Online CLE Education

  • Free CLE Webinars - Section members are eligible to participate in any Section-produced CLE webinars at no additional cost.

Meetings and Events

  • Section members receive special registration rates for the Section Annual Meeting, and other events throughout the year.
  • Earn CLE credit while attending top-tier educational program.
  • Connect with IP professionals from across the country and globally to expand your network and enhance your career.

Section Publications

  • Landslide magazine provides comprehensive articles across the spectrum of IP law issues.
  • Concise online articles covering substantive areas of the law and related practice tips.
  • Expert IP-related books written by top professionals, covering all aspects of IP law, all at a discounted members-only prices

Leadership and Career-Advancing Participation Opportunities

  • Take on a leadership role: Serve alongside hundreds of members who are involved with the Section's advocacy, content creation and delivery.
  • Speaking Opportunities at in-person programs and online webinars.
  • Authorship Opportunities for magazine articles and books.
Member Rates
$105 / per year
Join or Renew
  • You must be an ABA member to join.
  • Select auto-renew for your membership to renew automatically each year.
  • Students can join up to 5 ABA groups for free.

What Leading Professionals are Saying

Being an in-house IP counsel, I have seen and experienced fabulous opportunities for professional growth from my active involvement with the ABA-IPL Section. As one example, as a past leader in our Section's In-house IP Committee, I have organized well-attended CLE events & webinars catered to in-house communities. I've also had opportunities to coauthor informative articles and have my group's voice heard on Section-proposed resolutions and other commentary on key IP matters.

Profile Picture

Pervin Taleyarkhan

Whirlpool Corporation

I have been a member of the ABA-IPL Section since I was a law student involved in the Law Student Action Group and as a Law Student Reporter for the Section Annual Meeting. Making connections with attorneys during my law school career developed into lasting relationships. My involvement allows me to give back to the profession, increases my communication and leadership skills, challenges me, and allows me to interact with professionals across the country.

Profile Picture

Shannon N. Proctor

Hollingsworth LLP

ABA-IPL Action Groups

Access leadership opportunities and amplify your voice. Section members can join any of our five affinity action groups: Diversity Action Group, Young Lawyers Action Group, Law Student Action Group, Women in IP Action Group, and International Action Group.

Explore Action Groups & Committees