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Why should you get involved?

Through my involvement with the ABA, I have been given the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on trademark law. Right when I started, Trademark Division members welcomed me and offered the chance to dive in. Some of my first projects were collaboratively evaluating circuit splits and determining what the law should be. I presented recommendations to the ABA-IPL Section Council and, as a result, many recommendations became Section policy, some even became ABA policy. The roles I’ve held at the ABA have given me the chance to work with top legal minds on exciting projects like helping the USPTO develop proposed rules, working on pending legislation with Congress and assisting with other policy matters on the ABA’s behalf. These experiences have enabled me to build an extensive professional network, make new friendships and challenged me to become a better lawyer.

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Shane Delsman

Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.

I joined the ABA-IPL Section as a first-year attorney. I joined the Section because a partner that I worked for was a committee chair and I helped him prepare content, such as webinars and reports and resolutions. Early on, I attended Section meetings and began meeting the members and leadership. I continued participating on several committees and was appointed as a vice-chair of a committee as a junior associate. I have continued moving through leadership positions within the Section, serving as a division chair and council member. I have also participated on the Revenue Committee and the Women in IP group. The ABA-IPL Section has helped me grow a good network of friends and contacts at both law firms and corporations. I have also had opportunities to write articles and reports and present at meetings and on webinars.

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Stephanie L. Roberts

Morgan Lewis LLP