The ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL Section) seeks to advance the goals of its members by sharing knowledge and balanced insight on the full spectrum of intellectual property law and practice. We are able to engage in this undertaking because of the tremendous contributions of our membership. In addition to countless hours devoted to ABA-IPL Section projects by our volunteers, we are also extremely fortunate to have benefited from generous financial support.
The ABA-IPL Section recognizes that many of our supporters wish to support the Section in whatever way they can, and therefore, we developed a new “Friend of the ABA-IPL Section” support option in the amount of $250 - $1,000. This opportunity is available for firms with less than 25 attorneys. Members may also participate and be recognized as individuals, rather than as a member of their organization. Friends of the ABA-IPL Section will be given the opportunity to renew support each year.
Levels & Benefits
There are three levels in the Friends program:
- Gold: $1,000
- Silver: $500
- Bronze: $250
The ABA-IPL Section will recognize all Friends of the ABA-IPL Section by level on the Section website for one year.
Silver and Gold Friends of the ABA-IPL Section also will be recognized in one or more of the Section’s “eNews” during the year.
Gold Friends of the ABA-IPL Section will be recognized on signage at the ABA-IPL Section in-person meeting(s) for that year.