The USPTO Trademark Practice and Policy Committee addresses practice before the USPTO with respect to the preparation, filing, and prosecution of trademark applications, the registration of trademarks, and ex parte trademark matters not within the scope of other committees, including: (1) the administration of the trademark examining operation of the USPTO and its fees and services; (2) ex parte appeals to, and registrability proceedings before, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board; and (3) changes to the TMEP, the TBMP, and the Trademark Rules of Practice.
USPTO Trademark Practice and Policy Committee
The committee addresses practice before the USPTO with respect to trademarks and ex parte matters.
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We welcome participation, so if you'd like to get involved in the Committee - whether by working on developing section policy, suggesting a topic for a program or webinar, writing an article for the magazine or becoming active in any other way - please get in touch with us.
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