Recent Developments in Infrastructure and Regulated Industries (2024) highlights judicial decisions, administrative rulings, and legislative actions for the year ending March 31, 2024, as well as a few important developments since then.
December 09, 2024 Feature
A Note From the Editor
Recent Developments was made possible by the efforts of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs and other members of the committees who, along with their colleagues and associates, wrote and contributed to the reports. I would also like to recognize the authors, editors, and contributors noted at the beginning of each report. Once again, this group’s detailed research and thoughtful analysis have resulted in a timely and thorough report of the year’s activities affecting our section.
I also acknowledge with great appreciation the Chair of IRIS, Linda Stein, and, as always, Sue Koz, the IRIS Section Director, for her crucial contribution.
Finally, I would like to thank Julie Furgerson without whom none of this would have been possible. Julie’s skill, organization, and patience have been essential to this process, and I give her full credit for the completion of this monumental task.
Daniel J. Poynor