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December 17, 2021 Columns

A Note from the Editors

Millicent W. Ronnlund and Daniel J. Poynor

Recent Developments in Infrastructure and Regulated Industries (2021) highlights judicial decisions, administrative rulings, and legislative actions for the year ending March 31, 2021, as well as a few important developments since then.

Recent Developments was made possible by the efforts of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs and other members of the committees who, along with their colleagues and associates, wrote and contributed to the reports. We would also like to recognize the authors, editors, and contributors at the beginning of each report. Once again, this group’s detailed research, thoughtful analysis, and timely and concise reporting have resulted in a thorough report of the year’s activities affecting our section.

The editors also acknowledge with great appreciation the Chair of IRIS, Catherine McCarthy, and, as always, Sue Koz, the IRIS Section Director, for her crucial contribution.

Finally, we would like to thank Julie Furgerson without whom none of this would have been possible. Julie did an excellent job not only with her editing work, but also with keeping us on task, and we appreciate her support.

Millicent W. Ronnlund

Daniel J. Poynor


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