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February 01, 2024 Chair's Column

Chair’s Column

Linda S. Stein

I am grateful and thrilled for the opportunity to serve as this year’s Chair of the ABA’s long-standing Infrastructure and Regulated Industries Section and look forward to working with all of you over the next year. With the current fast-paced innovation in technology affecting regulated industries that we represent (i.e., energy, communications, transportation) and the regulatory environment surrounding those industries, it is an interesting and challenging time to be working in the area.

First, I would like to thank the immediate past Chair of the section–Andrew Emerson–for his service to the Section and for arranging great programs that cut across our regulated industries, such as the panel presentation that addressed the key issues relating to the transition to electric vehicles.

Second, to recap the October 2023 meeting in Coronado Bay, California, it included some terrific CLE presentations in addition to the industry committee reports. On Thursday, October 5, a panel presented a program entitled, “Regulatory Adventures in Offshore Wind on the High Seas,” providing an overview of the operation of offshore wind turbines and the regulation of offshore wind projects. On Friday, October 6, we had a presentation on the foundational elements of the metaverse and potential regulation of it. We are currently working on the program for our next meeting, which will be from April 10--April 13, 2024 in Savannah, Georgia. We hope to see you there.

Please reach out to me directly if you have ideas for future programs, articles, podcasts, or webinars, or if you would like to get more involved in the Section. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Linda S. Stein