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Physical and Cyber Security Threats to Communications, Energy and Utilities Infrastructure: 2021 Update for Legal Advisors [CC]

Continuing developments challenge attorneys who advise on the consequences as well as the planning for and prevention of physical threats to infrastructure and "cyber to physical" threats to infrastructure. Our beyond the basics presentations and Q&A opportunity for attendees will provide 2021 updates on recent legal developments and regulation and answer your specific questions on these issues.

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Climate Change and the Changing Generation Mix: Environmental Effects, Technological Advances, and Policy Options for 2021 and Beyond [CC]

Panelists will discuss the state and federal laws that have contributed to recent historic changes in generation mix along with upcoming changes in the law that will likely further affect the mix. The program will also cover how technological advances may affect the range of legal options for lowering greenhouse gas emissions and the legal challenges already being posed by recent changes in the generation mix.

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Articles for New Infrastructure and Regulated Industries Lawyers

Big Tech Investigated for Antitrust Violations

A discussion of big tech antitrust enforcement developments.

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Net Neutrality: Take 4!

They discuss the background and the current status of Net Neutrality. Each stage of the FCC and court decisions are also discussed.

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