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June 21, 2020 REPORT

Iraq's Reparations Bill for Victims of Sexual Violence During Conflict: Recommendations to Ensure Compliance with International Standards

The government of Iraq is currently considering establishing a legal regime for providing reparations to certain survivors of conflict-related violence. The American Bar Association Center for Human Rights commends the Iraqi government for preparing a draft bill, the “Yazidi Women Survivor’s Bill” (“draft bill”), to establish this reparations regime. The following report suggests changes to the draft bill to bring the reparations scheme envisioned closer to Iraq’s international law obligations to provide reparations for victims and survivors of conflict-related sexual violence.

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(عرض التقرير الكامل (العربية

The statements and analysis expressed are solely those of the authors, have not been approved by the House of Delegates or the Board of Governors of the American Bar Association, and do not represent the position or policy of the American Bar Association. Furthermore, nothing in this report should be considered legal advice for specific cases. The Center would like to thank Kristin Smith for preparing this report and Güley Bor for contributing to the proposed revisions of the draft bill.