Corporate Initiatives
The Task Force on Human Trafficking will coordinate the following projects:
- Develop and promote a dialogue on human trafficking in the business community with special focus on corporate boards; assemble and distribute educational materials regarding business conduct standards applicable to human trafficking. Develop and promote business conduct standards and policies for companies addressing human trafficking to ensure clean supply chains and develop and promote a zero tolerance policy for employees directly engaged in human trafficking. To assist with this project, join the ABA Business Law Section.
- Conduct a multi-year study on the publicly available anti-trafficking policies of leading businesses. In conjunction with Arizona State University, the Task Force completed the first report on June 2, 2014. This report revealed that a majority of Fortune 100 companies had publicly available policies addressing trafficking and forced labor.
Pro Bono
The Task Force on Human Trafficking will coordinate the following projects:
- Gather best practices and training information for volunteer and pro bono lawyers representing trafficking victims and develop a comprehensive online database of legal services programs that can coordinate, train and supervise volunteer pro bono attorneys to represent trafficking victims. To assist with this project, contact Vivian Huelgo, Chief Counsel, Task Force on Human Trafficking.
- General Practice and Solo Section held a Human Trafficking Summit in Seattle, WA and trained members and attorney volunteers with KIND (Kids in Need of Defense) an organization that partners volunteer lawyers with children in need of immigration representation, to represent child victims of trafficking. Held on October 13, 2012 with over 100 attendees. (2012 Northwest Human Trafficking Summit)
Public Awareness
The Task Force on Human Trafficking will coordinate the following project:
- Execute media campaign, including Editorials, articles, interviews, and targeted media events to highlight plight of human trafficking victims and effective legal response. To assist with this project, contact Vivian Huelgo, Chief Counsel, Task Force on Human Trafficking.
- Discussion with National Conference of Bar Presidents at ABA Mid-Year Meeting on Friday, February 8, 2013, 2 - 3 pm CST Moderated by Prof. Bridgette Carr, U. Michigan Law School including Sarah Saldana, US Attorney N District Texas, Seymour James, Pres. NYS Bar and Atty in Charge Legal Aid Society NY and Brent Benoit, President of the Houston Bar. For more information, or to register, visit the ABA 2013 Midyear Meeting site.
The Task Force on Human Trafficking will coordinate the following projects:
- Provide training promoting holistic approach that includes stakeholders likely to encounter trafficking victims -- the legal community (lawyers, judges, and law enforcement), medical personnel, and NGOs focusing on identifying victims, ensuring appropriate support and developing effective prosecution of traffickers. To assist with this project, contact Vivian Huelgo, Chief Counsel, Task Force on Human Trafficking.
- Training for staff at Department of Justice, including Assistant US Attorneys and Victim Witness Coordinators, on providing services to human trafficking victims provided by Mary Ellison (Polaris Project) Vivian Huelgo (ABA Task Force on Human Trafficking Chief Counsel), and Martina Vandenberg ( Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center). Visit the Department of Justice for more information.
- Train and consult with state and county child protection agencies, as well as juvenile justice systems, to address trafficked youth who are brought into the system after an arrest for prostitution, solicitation, etc. including focus on identification of victims and provision of supportive services for victims. To assist with this project, contact Vivian Huelgo, Chief Counsel, Task Force on Human Trafficking.
- Identifying and Representing and Aiding Child Trafficking Victims Program at ABA Midyear Meeting on Friday, February 8, 2013 at Renaissance Hotel 8:30-12:30 pm CST with luncheon keynote by George Sheldon Assistant Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
- Sponsored by ABA Center on Children & Law and Commission on Youth at Risk
- Includes: Mary Ellison (Polaris Project), Angela Vigil (Pro Bono Partner Baker & McKenzie LLP, Miami, FL), Laura G. Burstein (Legal Director, Mosaic Family Services, Dallas), and Sherri Zack (AUSA, U.S. DOJ Southern District of Texas).
- Safe Harbor Laws for Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation Program at ABA Midyear Meeting Friday, February 8, 2013 at Renaissance Hotel 2:30-430 pm CST.
- Dynamics of Human Trafficking and Judicial Response: A Training for Judges at the ABA Midyear Meeting on Friday February 8 from 1-2:30 pm CST at the Lowes Hilton Anatole.
- Moderated by Hon. Pamila Brown including Shonnie Ball (TIP Office State Department), T. Markus Funk, Esq. (Perkins & Cole LLP-Denver, CO), Mary C. Ellison (Polaris Project), and Norma Ramos (Coalition Against Trafficking in Women).
The Task Force on Human Trafficking will liaise with Uniform Law Commission to develop a uniform state human trafficking law to be adopted and promoted as ABA policy with state and local bar associations. To assist with this project, contact Vivian Huelgo, Chief Counsel, Task Force on Human Trafficking.