Ethnocide Project
Raising awareness and developing laws to combat ethnocide in the United States and around the world.
The ABA Civil Rights and Social Justice Section and the Reconstructionism Project of the ABA Center for Human Rights co-hosted a non-CLE webinar series exploring the significance of the Reconstruction era (1865–1877) in shaping civil rights, justice, and equality in the United States. The series will examine attempts to undermine the progress of this pivotal period and highlight the lessons and inspiration it offers for addressing contemporary challenges. The first webinar, “An Introduction to Reconstruction and Its Potential,” discussed Reconstructionism generally – its origins, evolution, and ongoing (if underutilized) influence. It was held 1-2:30 PM EST on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
Read more - hereEvery person has inherent and inviolable dignity. People may lose other rights -- even their right to liberty -- but they never lose their dignity.
Watch - the VideoWhen we vote, we express what's most important to us! Voting is an act of dignity!
Watch - the VideoThis webinar examines current manifestations of ethnocide—from Russia's invasion of Ukraine to sociopolitical forces at play today in the US—and both their effects on, and their implications for, the future of the rule of law at home and abroad.
View - THE WEBINARThe Honorable Bernice B. Donald chairs the Dignity Rights Initiative advisory board.