The American Bar Association Center for Human Rights has created a new web page that allows experts in business and human rights (BHR) to share their knowledge of major BHR issues. The webpage is organized according to the basic question, “Which documents should be read first in order to gain a basic grasp of your issue?”
The entries currently addressed include:
- The origins of international human rights norms and how soft law embodying such norms is being incorporated into hard law
- The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- The European Union’s development of a new directive on BHR due diligence
- The US statute that bars the importation of goods made with forced labor
- Third-party access to justice for victims of BHR abuses
- Trends in tort law and human rights accountability
- Developments in the proposed treaty on business and human rights
The webpage will be continuously updated as developments warrant. Contributions (and advice on how to improve the page) from human rights experts throughout the world are encouraged and may be submitted to the Center via email at [email protected].