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Center for Human Rights

Mobilizing lawyers to defend threatened advocates, protect vulnerable communities, and hold governments accountable under law

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Credit: International Solidarity Movement

Pursuing Accountability for the Arms Trade: A Primer on European and UK Laws and Mechanisms

The primer critically examines the regulatory frameworks, processes and practices (judicial and non-judicial) available to restrain arms sales from the United Kingdom and European Union to countries where they are used in repression to commit serious violations of international law.

Read - The Primer
From left to right: Robson Chere; Doug Coltart; Trial observer; Obert Masaraure

Angola: Criticism of the State is a Right, Not a Crime

This report analyzes Article 333 of Angola's Penal Code, and concludes that its criminalization of insulting the State violates the fundamental right to freedom of expression.

Read the report - Here

The Role of Justice Actors in Combating SLAPPs

ABA CHR and the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers co-hosted a webinar on November 1, 2024 on the role of justice actors in combating SLAPPs. The UN Special Rapporteur shared highlights from her forthcoming report on improper economic influence on judicial systems, and panelists shared their views on the role of justice actors in combating SLAPPs. Panelists included the Honorable Judge Fernando Enrique de Oliveira Biolcati of the Court of Justice of São Paulo, Charlie Holt of the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe, and Zamira Djabarova, Senior Legal Advisor for Labor Rights and Corporate Accountability at ABA CHR.

View the recording - Here

Reports, Articles & Publications

View the Center's materials relating to human rights violations, rule of law, and governmental accountability around the world.

Eleanor Roosevelt Prize for Global Human Rights Advancement

With the blessing of the Roosevelt family, CHR in 2018 established the annual Eleanor Roosevelt Prize for Global Human Rights Advancement to recognize persons and organizations having a positive, enduring, and global impact in advancing the principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Eleanor Roosevelt championed.

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CHR: A History

Founded in February 2001, CHR celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2021. This History tells the circuitous tale of CHR’s evolution from one man’s idea, to a small group’s adopted cause, to a new staff’s shared mission, to a multi-faceted defender of human rights and a just rule of law around the world.

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