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May 19, 2023

USPSTF Recommends Mammograms Starting at Age 40

On May 9, 2023, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation that women ages 40 to 74 obtain mammograms every other year.  This new draft modifies the USPSTF’s prior recommendation by lowering the age for beginning mammogram screenings from age 50 to 40 due to an increase in breast cancer in younger women and in black women, who are 40% more likely than white women to die from breast cancer.  This contrasts with the American Cancer Society recommendations for women with average risk for breast cancer to obtain annual mammograms from ages 45 to 54 (with the option of beginning annual screenings from age 40 to 44), and to have the option to switch to mammograms every other year once they reach age 55.

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