Tuesday morning, November 28, the federal government filed a notice appealing to the D.C. Circuit the HIV and Hepatitis Foundation’s successful challenge to the Trump administration’s co-pay accumulator rule.
On Monday, the federal government moved for the district court to modify its decision to state that the Trump administration rule would remain effective until the ACA regulators reconsidered it in compliance with the court’s order. The plaintiffs reportedly oppose the government’s motion.
Also on November 28, the ACA regulators issued
The FAQs concern the claims batching limitations under the No Surprises Act and the update to CLAS requirements that health plans, including FEHB plans must use in certain plan publications. The FEHBlog noticed that the ACA regulators have added new languages to CLAS requirements. The CLAS changes will take effect for the 2025 plan year.
The American Hospital Association News adds,
- In response to recent court decisions that set aside certain regulations implementing the No Surprises Act’s Independent Dispute Resolution process, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nov. 28 released [ACA] FAQs [63] explaining how certified IDR entities may determine whether a dispute is appropriately batched and clarifying certain other provisions and its policy for extending existing IDR deadlines once the federal IDR portal reopens to all batched disputes and single disputes involving air ambulance services. CMS also rescheduled to Nov. 30 at 3 p.m. ET its webinar to review the FAQs for health care providers and insurers submitting batched or air ambulance claims. To attend the webinar, register here.
Axios brings us a dental coverage update for Affordable Care Act plans and Medicare. Of note, Axios tells us that “earlier this month, the Biden administration expanded all Medicare beneficiaries’ access to dental services when they’re necessary for other medical care, like cancer treatment.” This action raises coordination of benefits issues for dental plans.