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June 24, 2022

Op-Ed Article Argues for More Mental Health Treatment for Nurses and Other Health Responders.

In a recent op-ed, Dr. Anna Fitch-Courie argued for increased mental health treatment addressing the needs of nurses and first responders. As part of her rationale for this she noted that first responders experience higher rates of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, burnout, and post-traumatic stress than the general population. She notes the estimate that at least one-third of first responders have mental health struggles. One study identified a signifantly lower life expectancy for law enforcement officers compared to the average American male, while a white paper revealed that first responders are more likely to commit suicide than to die in line of duty. Even before the pandemic, SAMHSA estimated that up to 1 in 4 first responders experienced post-traumatic stress.

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