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April 22, 2022

Providers Given an Additional Opportunity to Comply with Provider Relief Fund Reporting Requirements

HRSA has extended the reporting deadline to Friday, April 22 for certain providers that received CARES Act funds and missed previous Provider Relief Fund (PRF) reporting deadlines. HRSA distributed PRF funds to providers in five periods, and, as a condition for receiving funds, providers were tasked with complying with a series of reporting requirements. Specifically, providers that received more than $10,000 from the PRF in Period 1 now have until April 22 to submit a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances form, which, if approved by HRSA, affords the provider ten days to complete its reporting obligations. The form requires providers to detail the “extenuating circumstances” that prevented them from meeting previous reporting deadlines. Allowable extenuating circumstances include: severe illness or death; lack of receipt of reporting communications; and internal miscommunication or error. Providers must attest to the extenuating circumstances but need not attach or provide supporting documentation.

The extension of the reporting deadline comes after provider backlash due to a collective struggle to keep track of reporting during the height of the pandemic. HSRA began circulating notices to out-of-compliance providers, demanding the return of PRF funds because of the failure to adhere to reporting requirements. However, many providers had already spent the PRF funds. Though the April 22 deadline applies only to funds that were distributed in Period 1, other deadlines are fast approaching. To minimize the risk of PRF funds being clawed back by HRSA, providers should ensure that they are monitoring these upcoming deadlines.