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December 17, 2021

New Law Requires Veterans Benefits to be Printed in Multiple Languages

On November 22, President Biden signed H.R. 2093, the Veterans and Family Information Act. This new law requires the VA to do three things: (1) make all fact sheets available in English, Spanish, Tagalog, and ten other common languages; (2) establish a publicly available website with links to the sheets; and (3) report the sheet utilization to Congress as well as the details of the Language Access Plan of the VA. Representative Young Kim of California, a co-sponsor of the bill, spoke to how this bill could help her community and veterans whose first languages are not English better understand the VA benefits available to them. Her district is home to more than 27,000 veterans with diverse backgrounds. VA fact sheets provide veterans with a medley of information, including general benefits, service-connected disabilities, home loans, military sexual trauma, and more.