Most nursing home residents and caregivers according to those reports who elected to receive the COVID-19 vaccine received their first shot by January 25, and met the general target goals the major pharmacies reported as a result of the successful launch of the Pharmacy Partnership Program for Long-Term Care Facilities. Approximately 2.4 million skilled nursing facility residents and staff have received the vaccine as a result of the partnership created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for Long-Term Care Facilities and major pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens. It appears the goal was mostly achieved as a result of the streamlined process which allowed for these facilities to receive management of the vaccination process including on-site vaccinations, fulfillment, reporting requirements, staff and family member vaccinations being done along with cold chain management. As a result of these efforts, according to the CDC’s website, over 2.7 million Long-Term Care Facility residents have been vaccinated as of January 27.